I am trying to install the Smartthings Smart Lights app on my phone and I am getting: “An unexpected error occurred”. I have no problem installing other apps. (Marketplace --> Lights & Switches --> Smart Lights)
you’ll want to to contact support support@smartthings.com
And be prepared to wait. They are majorly overloaded.
Thanks John, contacting Support is currently not the best solution. They are overworked.
Thanks Linda. I guess I will wait, as I noticed that in another account (where I had this app already installed) I was not able to change the settings.
I think they are pushing updates. Give it awhile and try again.
I am getting the same error
They pushed an update sometime this afternoon…close app and restart, you will notice the icon changed.
Thanks Robert. It looks like they uploaded an error. If you have this app installed and you uninstall it, then you are not able to install it again. You will receive the error message.
Just got my Smart Things v2 hub in the mail yesterday. For the entirety of yesterday the Smart Lights app was unusable. As of this morning Smart Light was available for download again. I’ve setup Smart Lights scenarios for 3 different rooms and only one is turning on the lights via motion sensors. I purposefully made the logic very simple just to see if it would function but it does not. Is this huge level of non-functionality generally what I’m to expect from Smart Things or is this just a fluke?