I have a multichannel Z-wave device (HeatIt Z-water) that has 10 relays and 4 temperature sensors.
When writing an edge driver for it, there are a few things I do not understand.
Not all components with the same capabilities get the same possibilities in Routines.
I create and install the driver and open the device in the app. I see 10 switches on off state and 4 temperature values
I can turn the relays on and off in the app. Works as expected.
When adding it to a Then part in a Routine, all switches have only one possibility OnOff (switching state). Only switch 5 has the two possibilities OnOff, On or Off.
Since this is used for control of water heating it will almost only be used in Routines and that is impossible now. -
The order of components in the app changes when I change the id (name) of the component.
Example: If I name the components for the device above: main, relay1 … relay10, temperature11 … temperature14 They come in that order. Relays first then temperatures.
If I change the name of the components from relay to switch1 … switch10, the temperature sensors show before the switches in the app.
Does the name of the component actually change something.
Part of profile where all switches except 5 will be ONOff only and switch 5 OnOf, On or Off
Sorry but I do not know how to get the indentation correct here. categories are one level to deep.
- id: switch4
capabilities:- id: switch
version: 1
categories: - name: Switch
- id: switch
- id: switch5
capabilities:- id: switch
version: 1
categories: - name: Switch
- id: switch
Any help would be much appreciated.
Without Routines access to the switches the device is rather useless.