Editing DH - Where is the icons

Hi I am editing a few DH for the new app and top of my DH I can input code seen underneath to change the Tile icon;

ocfDeviceType: “oic.d.light” <<<<< This will give me a picture of a light bulb
ocfDeviceType: “oic.d.switch” <<<< This will give me a picture of a switch

is there a site where I can see the images and maybe copy it into my code to change the icon?

many thanks

I’m not aware of one. Best I can offer is a list of device types that the Developer Workspace knew about when I last checked. Updated 9th October 2021.

Device Type ocfDeviceType
Air Conditioner oic.d.airconditioner
Air Purifier oic.d.airpurifier
Air Quality Detector x.com.st.d.airqualitysensor
Battery x.com.st.d.battery
Blind oic.d.blind
Blu-ray Player x.com.st.d.blurayplayer
Camera oic.d.camera
Contact Sensor x.com.st.d.sensor.contact
Cooktop x.com.st.d.cooktop
Dishwasher oic.d.dishwasher
Door Bell x.com.st.d.doorbell
Dryer oic.d.dryer
Elevator x.com.st.d.elevator
Fan oic.d.fan
Feeder x.com.st.d.feeder
Garage Door oic.d.garagedoor
Gas Valve x.com.st.d.gasvalve
Health Tracker x.com.st.d.healthtracker
Hub x.com.st.d.hub
Humidifier x.com.st.d.humidifier
IR Remote x.com.st.d.irblaster
Irrigation x.com.st.d.irrigation
Leak Sensor x.com.st.d.sensor.moisture
Light oic.d.light
Light Sensor x.com.st.d.sensor.light
Massage Chair x.com.st.d.massagechair
Motion Sensor x.com.st.d.sensor.motion
MultiFunctional Sensor x.com.st.d.sensor.multifunction
Network Audio oic.d.networkaudio
Others oic.wk.d
Oven oic.d.oven
Power Meter x.com.st.d.energymeter
Presence Sensor x.com.st.d.sensor.presence
Refrigerator oic.d.refrigerator
Remote Controller x.com.st.d.remotecontroller
Robot Cleaner oic.d.robotcleaner
Siren x.com.st.d.siren
Smart Lock oic.d.smartlock
Smart Plug oic.d.smartplug
Smart Tag x.com.st.d.tag
Smoke Detector x.com.st.d.sensor.smoke
Solar Panel x.com.st.d.solarPanel
Sound Sensor x.com.st.d.sensor.sound
Stove x.com.st.d.stove
Switch oic.d.switch
Television oic.d.tv
Thermostat oic.d.thermostat
Vent x.com.st.d.vent
Voice Assistance x.com.st.d.voiceassistance
Washer oic.d.washer
Water Heater x.com.st.d.waterheater
Water Valve oic.d.watervalve
WiFi Router oic.d.wirelessrouter
Wine Cellar x.com.st.d.winecellar

yes this should work great for a few devices I have thank you but is there any 3rd party icons (that animate) that can expand this list? preferably Lighting icons as I don’t want my lamps to just look like bulbs.

No, you cannot use custom icons

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anyone have a complete list?

so i modified darwins code for fc200 fan controller, now shows the fan animation.

definition(name: “HomeSeer FC200+ Fan Controller”, namespace: “darwinsden”, author: “darwin@darwinsden.com, mnmn: “SmarthThings”, vid: “fanSpeed”, ocfDeviceType: “oic.d.fan” )

what is the significance of mnmn and vid, and what is the list of vid?