I built a driver using UDP socket.
But when I install that driver, then it freeze whole hub about few days later.
After digging in, I found a reason and problematic codes.
That was memory leak and caused by creating socket.
Here is a simplest code to reproduce.
The result of running driver is, increasing memory usage as shown.
2022-07-15T08:28:39 DEBUG LAN BinarySwitch DEBUG Current Memory usage: 352.6KiB
2022-07-15T08:28:40 DEBUG LAN BinarySwitch dumy name device thread event handled
2022-07-15T08:28:49 DEBUG LAN BinarySwitch DEBUG Current Memory usage: 354.6KiB
2022-07-15T08:28:50 DEBUG LAN BinarySwitch dumy name device thread event handled
2022-07-15T08:28:59 DEBUG LAN BinarySwitch DEBUG Current Memory usage: 356.2KiB
2022-07-15T08:29:00 DEBUG LAN BinarySwitch dumy name device thread event handled
2022-07-15T08:29:09 DEBUG LAN BinarySwitch DEBUG Current Memory usage: 357.3KiB
2022-07-15T08:29:10 DEBUG LAN BinarySwitch dumy name device thread event handled
2022-07-15T08:29:19 DEBUG LAN BinarySwitch DEBUG Current Memory usage: 359.0KiB
2022-07-15T08:29:20 DEBUG LAN BinarySwitch dumy name device thread event handled
2022-07-15T08:29:29 DEBUG LAN BinarySwitch DEBUG Current Memory usage: 360.4KiB
2022-07-15T08:29:30 DEBUG LAN BinarySwitch dumy name device thread event handled
2022-07-15T08:29:39 DEBUG LAN BinarySwitch DEBUG Current Memory usage: 361.8KiB
2022-07-15T08:29:40 DEBUG LAN BinarySwitch dumy name device thread event handled
2022-07-15T08:29:49 DEBUG LAN BinarySwitch DEBUG Current Memory usage: 364.1KiB
2022-07-15T08:29:50 DEBUG LAN BinarySwitch dumy name device thread event handled
2022-07-15T08:29:59 DEBUG LAN BinarySwitch DEBUG Current Memory usage: 365.7KiB
2022-07-15T08:30:00 DEBUG LAN BinarySwitch dumy name device thread event handled
2022-07-15T08:30:10 DEBUG LAN BinarySwitch DEBUG Current Memory usage: 367.0KiB
2022-07-15T08:30:10 DEBUG LAN BinarySwitch dumy name device thread event handled
2022-07-15T08:30:20 DEBUG LAN BinarySwitch DEBUG Current Memory usage: 368.1KiB
2022-07-15T08:30:20 DEBUG LAN BinarySwitch dumy name device thread event handled
And you can comment lines that creating socket,
function lifecycles.init(driver, device)
device.thread:call_on_schedule(10, function()
local mem_useage = collectgarbage("count")
log.debug(string.format("DEBUG\tCurrent Memory usage: %.1fKiB",
- for i = 1, 10 do
- local sock = assert(socket.udp())
- sock:setoption("broadcast", true)
- sock:settimeout(3)
- sock:close()
- end
+ -- for i = 1, 10 do
+ -- local sock = assert(socket.udp())
+ -- sock:setoption("broadcast", true)
+ -- sock:settimeout(3)
+ -- sock:close()
+ -- end
end, "Resync Connectivity")
You can see there is no leak.
2022-07-15T08:07:06 DEBUG LAN BinarySwitch DEBUG Current Memory usage: 352.1KiB
2022-07-15T08:07:06 DEBUG LAN BinarySwitch dumy name device thread event handled
2022-07-15T08:07:16 DEBUG LAN BinarySwitch DEBUG Current Memory usage: 352.1KiB
2022-07-15T08:07:16 DEBUG LAN BinarySwitch dumy name device thread event handled
2022-07-15T08:07:26 DEBUG LAN BinarySwitch DEBUG Current Memory usage: 352.1KiB
2022-07-15T08:07:26 DEBUG LAN BinarySwitch dumy name device thread event handled
2022-07-15T08:07:36 DEBUG LAN BinarySwitch DEBUG Current Memory usage: 352.1KiB
2022-07-15T08:07:36 DEBUG LAN BinarySwitch dumy name device thread event handled
2022-07-15T08:07:46 DEBUG LAN BinarySwitch DEBUG Current Memory usage: 352.1KiB
2022-07-15T08:07:46 DEBUG LAN BinarySwitch dumy name device thread event handled
2022-07-15T08:07:56 DEBUG LAN BinarySwitch DEBUG Current Memory usage: 352.1KiB
2022-07-15T08:07:56 DEBUG LAN BinarySwitch dumy name device thread event handled
2022-07-15T08:08:06 DEBUG LAN BinarySwitch DEBUG Current Memory usage: 352.1KiB
2022-07-15T08:08:06 DEBUG LAN BinarySwitch dumy name device thread event handled
2022-07-15T08:08:16 DEBUG LAN BinarySwitch DEBUG Current Memory usage: 352.1KiB
2022-07-15T08:08:16 DEBUG LAN BinarySwitch dumy name device thread event handled
2022-07-15T08:08:26 DEBUG LAN BinarySwitch DEBUG Current Memory usage: 352.1KiB
2022-07-15T08:08:26 DEBUG LAN BinarySwitch dumy name device thread event handled
2022-07-15T08:08:36 DEBUG LAN BinarySwitch DEBUG Current Memory usage: 352.1KiB
2022-07-15T08:08:36 DEBUG LAN BinarySwitch dumy name device thread event handled
Is it kind of bug or did I wrong at some points?
Additionally here I append my original code.
local function _scan(opt)
local sock = assert(socket.udp())
if opt.laddr == "" then
sock:setoption("broadcast", true)
local scan_msg = format_scan_message(opt.type, opt.mac)
log.info(string.format("scanning with message: %s", scan_msg))
assert(sock:sendto(scan_msg, opt.laddr, PORT), "failed to scan device")
local msgs = {}
while true do
--- There are two possible case, [data, ip, port] or [nil, err, nil]
local buf, ip, port = sock:receivefrom()
if buf == nil then
return msgs
msgs[#msgs + 1] = buf
if opt.find_one then
return msgs
Thank you in advance for your reply.