(EDGE Driver-Mc): Zigbee Drivers for Motion, Open/Close, Moisture, Smoke-Co Sensors and others Devices


This Tuya device causes problems not only on smartthings, also on other platforms other than Tuya.

It’s marked so I don’t forget that I shouldn’t waste more time adding something that doesn’t work again, sorry.


your work is brilliant. Thanks a lot.
I have a question. Why on all my zigbee devices I can’t see zigbee metrics anymore. This happened few days ago, after last smartthings app update?

It was indeed the update, they’ve apparently removed HTML support in the custom fields.

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Hi @Jcquantum

Added to this driver version

You must install this driver version in your Hub
Uninstall device with App
Re-install device with App and this driver

You Do not perform a driver change from zigbee thing Mc

 Name         Zigbee Moisture Sensor Mc
 Version      2024-03-16T09:41:30.633973686
- id: "_TZ3000_jjua3lql/TS0207"
    deviceLabel: TS0207 Water Sensor
    manufacturer: _TZ3000_jjua3lql
    model: TS0207
    deviceProfileName: moisture-battery
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Hi @Mariano_Colmenarejo

Thank you ver much. It worked. I wanted to ask, it had this string of instructions when viewing the device in smartthings. What is it and do i just leave it as is? Thanks.


Any way to get this working?


Mikk Rosin

It is information about the quality and intensity of the received signal, but the latest update of the app does not allow the HTML format and it is displayed correctly.

If they don’t fix it I will change it, but I don’t know when


Without knowing which cluster it uses, it is impossible to know if it could work with any standard driver.

I get this when it’s connected with zigbee thing mc

You could capture in device history

Thanks @Mariano_Colmenarejo !! Thats good. Ill just wait. Again, thank you for getting the driver to include my 2 pucks working.


It use EF00 cluster, then could use personal tuya EF00 devices

Here is the link to the driver that @Mariano_Colmenarejo is referring to.

Thanks. I’ll give it a try once the driver is working again. At the moment the information field in w35l3y’s driver is showing me the same weirdness in the information field as your driver

Hi Mariano - Happy Spring! I’m following up on a post dated 26-Dec-23, investigating adding sensitivity to Tuya Motion Sensor (_TYZB01_3zv6oleo). Did we receive any guidance from Kkossev? I’m happy to test, if helpful.

Hi @mikensteve

Sorry I forgot this. Do not received any update but I added to 3 level sensitivity profile.

You need put your device in pairing mode then device will pair with this driver version and configure as sensitivity level profile

 Name         Zigbee Motion Sensor Mc
 Version      2024-03-22T16:31:16.455842728        
- id: "_TYZB01_3zv6oleo Motion"
    deviceLabel: TS0210 Motion Sensor
    manufacturer: _TYZB01_3zv6oleo
    model: TS0210
    deviceProfileName: motion-battery-sens

Thanks Mariano!

Hi I’m using the ‘Zigbee Smoke/CO Detector Mc’ with a device that has the fingerprint “_TZ3210_up3pngle/TS0205”.

  - id: "_TZ3210_up3pngle/TS0205"
    deviceLabel: Smoke Detector
    manufacturer: _TZ3210_up3pngle
    model: TS0205
    deviceProfileName: smoke-battery

The device pairs well, but it’s always in a state “Smoke detected”.
I have no experience developing ST drivers, but using the logcat of st cli, I’ve found that the default report message gives the IAS Zone Status as 5

< ZigbeeMessageRx || type: 0x00, < AddressHeader || src_addr: 0xC29C, src_endpoint: 0x01, dest_addr: 0x0000, dest_endpoint: 0x01, profile: 0x0104, cluster: IASZone >, lqi: 0xCA, rssi: -32, body_length: 0x0008, < ZCLMessageBody || < ZCLHeader || frame_ctrl: 0x18, seqno: 0x6B, ZCLCommandId: 0x0A >, < ReportAttribute || < AttributeRecord || AttributeId: 0x0002, DataType: Bitmap16, ZoneStatus: 0x0005 > > > >

Looking for info about this state I’ve found in docs IasZoneStatus that 1+4 is Alarm + Tamper.

But when I expose the smoke detector to real smoke the message is
< ZigbeeMessageRx || type: 0x00, < AddressHeader || src_addr: 0xC29C, src_endpoint: 0x01, dest_addr: 0x0000, dest_endpoint: 0x01, profile: 0x0104, cluster: IASZone >, lqi: 0xC8, rssi: -78, body_length: 0x0009, < ZCLMessageBody || < ZCLHeader || frame_ctrl: 0x09, seqno: 0x2E, ZCLCommandId: 0x00 >, < ZoneStatusChangeNotification || zone_status: 0x0001, extended_status: 0x00, zone_id: 0x00, delay: 0x0000 > > >
changing the zone_status to 0x0001 that it’s ok (alarm on)

followed by
< ZigbeeMessageRx || type: 0x00, < AddressHeader || src_addr: 0xC29C, src_endpoint: 0x01, dest_addr: 0x0000, dest_endpoint: 0x01, profile: 0x0104, cluster: IASZone >, lqi: 0xCC, rssi: -74, body_length: 0x0009, < ZCLMessageBody || < ZCLHeader || frame_ctrl: 0x09, seqno: 0x2F, ZCLCommandId: 0x00 >, < ZoneStatusChangeNotification || zone_status: 0x0005, extended_status: 0x00, zone_id: 0x00, delay: 0x0000 > > >
changing again the zone_status to 0x0005.

So I understand that the manufacturer does not follow the standard of having bit one or two set to 0 to indicate that alarm1 or alarm2 is not activated.

I’m interested in learning how driver-edge works, but I think that modifying the interpretation of the IAS status is beyond the level for beginners :slight_smile:
Any hint or example to try to solve it? am I on the right track?
