This is what popped up in the CLI after disconnect. Not sure if its what you need or if there is a better way to limit the list.
I used this command:
smartthings edge:drivers:logcat --hub-address=x.x.x.x --all
2023-04-20T00:24:37.183789275+00:00 TRACE My Halo Smoke and CO Detector Received event with handler zigbee
2023-04-20T00:24:37.184740608+00:00 INFO My Halo Smoke and CO Detector <ZigbeeDevice: 9bc6dd69-1180-4ae5-8e34-dfd9f4ac9372 [0xACF9] (Halo Smoke and CO Detector)> received Zigbee message: < ZigbeeMessageRx || type: 0x00, < AddressHeader || src_addr: 0xACF9, src_endpoint: 0x02, dest_addr: 0x0000, dest_endpoint: 0x01, profile: 0x0104, cluster: OnOff >, lqi: 0xFF, rssi: -57, body_length: 0x0007, < ZCLMessageBody || < ZCLHeader || frame_ctrl: 0x08, seqno: 0x1F, ZCLCommandId: 0x0A >, < ReportAttribute || < AttributeRecord || AttributeId: 0x0000, DataType: Boolean, OnOff: false > > > >
2023-04-20T00:24:37.193828442+00:00 TRACE My Halo Smoke and CO Detector Found ZigbeeMessageDispatcher handler in my-halo-smoke-and-co-detector
2023-04-20T00:24:37.199277775+00:00 INFO My Halo Smoke and CO Detector Executing ZclClusterAttributeValueHandler: cluster: OnOff, attribute: OnOff
2023-04-20T00:24:37.200299150+00:00 INFO My Halo Smoke and CO Detector <ZigbeeDevice: 9bc6dd69-1180-4ae5-8e34-dfd9f4ac9372 [0xACF9] (Halo Smoke and CO Detector)> emitting event: {"attribute_id":"switch","capability_id":"switch","component_id":"main","state":{"value":"off"}}
2023-04-20T00:24:37.202103692+00:00 DEBUG My Halo Smoke and CO Detector Halo Smoke and CO Detector device thread event handled
2023-04-20T00:24:37.574203900+00:00 TRACE My Halo Smoke and CO Detector Received event with handler zigbee
2023-04-20T00:24:37.575015358+00:00 INFO My Halo Smoke and CO Detector <ZigbeeDevice: 9bc6dd69-1180-4ae5-8e34-dfd9f4ac9372 [0xACF9] (Halo Smoke and CO Detector)> received Zigbee message: < ZigbeeMessageRx || type: 0x00, < AddressHeader || src_addr: 0xACF9, src_endpoint: 0x01, dest_addr: 0x0000, dest_endpoint: 0x01, profile: 0x0104, cluster: IASZone >, lqi: 0xFF, rssi: -56, body_length: 0x0008, < ZCLMessageBody || < ZCLHeader || frame_ctrl: 0x08, seqno: 0x20, ZCLCommandId: 0x0A >, < ReportAttribute || < AttributeRecord || AttributeId: 0x0002, DataType: Bitmap16, ZoneStatus: 0x0000 > > > >
2023-04-20T00:24:37.636972192+00:00 TRACE My Halo Smoke and CO Detector Found ZigbeeMessageDispatcher handler in my-halo-smoke-and-co-detector
2023-04-20T00:24:37.637543400+00:00 INFO My Halo Smoke and CO Detector Executing ZclClusterAttributeValueHandler: cluster: IASZone, attribute: ZoneStatus
2023-04-20T00:24:37.638886525+00:00 PRINT My Halo Smoke and CO Detector <<< ias_zone_status_attr_handler >>>>
2023-04-20T00:24:37.639738275+00:00 PRINT My Halo Smoke and CO Detector <<< Smoke Detection handle >>>
2023-04-20T00:24:37.640434358+00:00 INFO My Halo Smoke and CO Detector <ZigbeeDevice: 9bc6dd69-1180-4ae5-8e34-dfd9f4ac9372 [0xACF9] (Halo Smoke and CO Detector)> emitting event: {"attribute_id":"smoke","capability_id":"smokeDetector","component_id":"main","state":{"value":"clear"}}
2023-04-20T00:24:37.642281275+00:00 DEBUG My Halo Smoke and CO Detector Halo Smoke and CO Detector device thread event handled
2023-04-20T00:24:37.727152400+00:00 TRACE My Halo Smoke and CO Detector Received event with handler zigbee
2023-04-20T00:24:37.753777817+00:00 INFO My Halo Smoke and CO Detector <ZigbeeDevice: 9bc6dd69-1180-4ae5-8e34-dfd9f4ac9372 [0xACF9] (Halo Smoke and CO Detector)> received Zigbee message: < ZigbeeMessageRx || type: 0x00, < AddressHeader || src_addr: 0xACF9, src_endpoint: 0x03, dest_addr: 0x0000, dest_endpoint: 0x01, profile: 0x0104, cluster: IASZone >, lqi: 0xFF, rssi: -57, body_length: 0x0008, < ZCLMessageBody || < ZCLHeader || frame_ctrl: 0x08, seqno: 0x21, ZCLCommandId: 0x0A >, < ReportAttribute || < AttributeRecord || AttributeId: 0x0002, DataType: Bitmap16, ZoneStatus: 0x0000 > > > >
2023-04-20T00:24:37.851344233+00:00 TRACE My Halo Smoke and CO Detector Found ZigbeeMessageDispatcher handler in my-halo-smoke-and-co-detector
2023-04-20T00:24:37.851917442+00:00 INFO My Halo Smoke and CO Detector Executing ZclClusterAttributeValueHandler: cluster: IASZone, attribute: ZoneStatus
2023-04-20T00:24:37.866482192+00:00 PRINT My Halo Smoke and CO Detector <<< ias_zone_status_attr_handler >>>>
2023-04-20T00:24:37.867172233+00:00 PRINT My Halo Smoke and CO Detector <<< CO Detection handle >>>
2023-04-20T00:24:37.867821025+00:00 INFO My Halo Smoke and CO Detector <ZigbeeDevice: 9bc6dd69-1180-4ae5-8e34-dfd9f4ac9372 [0xACF9] (Halo Smoke and CO Detector)> emitting event: {"attribute_id":"carbonMonoxide","capability_id":"carbonMonoxideDetector","component_id":"main","state":{"value":"clear"}}
2023-04-20T00:24:37.920785608+00:00 DEBUG My Halo Smoke and CO Detector Halo Smoke and CO Detector device thread event handled
This was a second attempt:
? Select a driver. 5
connecting... connected
2023-04-20T00:35:43.252568646+00:00 DEBUG My Halo Smoke and CO Detector driver device thread event handled
2023-04-20T00:36:13.296238212+00:00 DEBUG My Halo Smoke and CO Detector driver device thread event handled
2023-04-20T00:36:37.913641834+00:00 TRACE My Halo Smoke and CO Detector Received event with handler zigbee
2023-04-20T00:36:37.914584584+00:00 INFO My Halo Smoke and CO Detector <ZigbeeDevice: 9bc6dd69-1180-4ae5-8e34-dfd9f4ac9372 [0xACF9] (Halo Smoke and CO Detector)> received Zigbee message: < ZigbeeMessageRx || type: 0x00, < AddressHeader || src_addr: 0xACF9, src_endpoint: 0x01, dest_addr: 0x0000, dest_endpoint: 0x01, profile: 0x0104, cluster: IASZone >, lqi: 0xFF, rssi: -62, body_length: 0x0008, < ZCLMessageBody || < ZCLHeader || frame_ctrl: 0x08, seqno: 0x2E, ZCLCommandId: 0x0A >, < ReportAttribute || < AttributeRecord || AttributeId: 0x0002, DataType: Bitmap16, ZoneStatus: 0x0000 > > > >
2023-04-20T00:36:37.939514250+00:00 TRACE My Halo Smoke and CO Detector Found ZigbeeMessageDispatcher handler in my-halo-smoke-and-co-detector
2023-04-20T00:36:37.940083459+00:00 INFO My Halo Smoke and CO Detector Executing ZclClusterAttributeValueHandler: cluster: IASZone, attribute: ZoneStatus
2023-04-20T00:36:37.976544834+00:00 PRINT My Halo Smoke and CO Detector <<< ias_zone_status_attr_handler >>>>
2023-04-20T00:36:37.977234209+00:00 PRINT My Halo Smoke and CO Detector <<< Smoke Detection handle >>>
2023-04-20T00:36:37.977891334+00:00 INFO My Halo Smoke and CO Detector <ZigbeeDevice: 9bc6dd69-1180-4ae5-8e34-dfd9f4ac9372 [0xACF9] (Halo Smoke and CO Detector)> emitting event: {"attribute_id":"smoke","capability_id":"smokeDetector","component_id":"main","state":{"value":"clear"}}
2023-04-20T00:36:37.979088667+00:00 DEBUG My Halo Smoke and CO Detector Halo Smoke and CO Detector device thread event handled
2023-04-20T00:36:38.007284334+00:00 TRACE My Halo Smoke and CO Detector Received event with handler zigbee
2023-04-20T00:36:38.008098750+00:00 INFO My Halo Smoke and CO Detector <ZigbeeDevice: 9bc6dd69-1180-4ae5-8e34-dfd9f4ac9372 [0xACF9] (Halo Smoke and CO Detector)> received Zigbee message: < ZigbeeMessageRx || type: 0x00, < AddressHeader || src_addr: 0xACF9, src_endpoint: 0x03, dest_addr: 0x0000, dest_endpoint: 0x01, profile: 0x0104, cluster: IASZone >, lqi: 0xFF, rssi: -62, body_length: 0x0008, < ZCLMessageBody || < ZCLHeader || frame_ctrl: 0x08, seqno: 0x2F, ZCLCommandId: 0x0A >, < ReportAttribute || < AttributeRecord || AttributeId: 0x0002, DataType: Bitmap16, ZoneStatus: 0x0000 > > > >
2023-04-20T00:36:38.062692584+00:00 TRACE My Halo Smoke and CO Detector Found ZigbeeMessageDispatcher handler in my-halo-smoke-and-co-detector
2023-04-20T00:36:38.071170500+00:00 INFO My Halo Smoke and CO Detector Executing ZclClusterAttributeValueHandler: cluster: IASZone, attribute: ZoneStatus
2023-04-20T00:36:38.076494209+00:00 PRINT My Halo Smoke and CO Detector <<< ias_zone_status_attr_handler >>>>
2023-04-20T00:36:38.078639+00:00 PRINT My Halo Smoke and CO Detector <<< CO Detection handle >>>
2023-04-20T00:36:38.079096292+00:00 INFO My Halo Smoke and CO Detector <ZigbeeDevice: 9bc6dd69-1180-4ae5-8e34-dfd9f4ac9372 [0xACF9] (Halo Smoke and CO Detector)> emitting event: {"attribute_id":"carbonMonoxide","capability_id":"carbonMonoxideDetector","component_id":"main","state":{"value":"clear"}}
2023-04-20T00:36:38.113716042+00:00 DEBUG My Halo Smoke and CO Detector Halo Smoke and CO Detector device thread event handled
2023-04-20T00:36:43.247972501+00:00 DEBUG My Halo Smoke and CO Detector driver device thread event handled
2023-04-20T00:36:46.565304251+00:00 TRACE My Halo Smoke and CO Detector Received event with handler zigbee
2023-04-20T00:36:46.566295876+00:00 INFO My Halo Smoke and CO Detector <ZigbeeDevice: 9bc6dd69-1180-4ae5-8e34-dfd9f4ac9372 [0xACF9] (Halo Smoke and CO Detector)> received Zigbee message: < ZigbeeMessageRx || type: 0x00, < AddressHeader || src_addr: 0xACF9, src_endpoint: 0x01, dest_addr: 0x0000, dest_endpoint: 0x01, profile: 0x0104, cluster: TemperatureMeasurement >, lqi: 0xFF, rssi: -56, body_length: 0x0008, < ZCLMessageBody || < ZCLHeader || frame_ctrl: 0x08, seqno: 0x30, ZCLCommandId: 0x0A >, < ReportAttribute || < AttributeRecord || AttributeId: 0x0000, DataType: Int16, MeasuredValue: 2640 > > > >
2023-04-20T00:36:46.582773960+00:00 TRACE My Halo Smoke and CO Detector Found ZigbeeMessageDispatcher handler in my-halo-smoke-and-co-detector
2023-04-20T00:36:46.583503918+00:00 INFO My Halo Smoke and CO Detector Executing ZclClusterAttributeValueHandler: cluster: TemperatureMeasurement, attribute: MeasuredValue
2023-04-20T00:36:46.584479293+00:00 INFO My Halo Smoke and CO Detector <ZigbeeDevice: 9bc6dd69-1180-4ae5-8e34-dfd9f4ac9372 [0xACF9] (Halo Smoke and CO Detector)> emitting event: {"attribute_id":"temperature","capability_id":"temperatureMeasurement","component_id":"main","state":{"unit":"C","value":26.4}}
2023-04-20T00:36:46.585453293+00:00 DEBUG My Halo Smoke and CO Detector Halo Smoke and CO Detector device thread event handled
2023-04-20T00:37:13.289136630+00:00 DEBUG My Halo Smoke and CO Detector driver device thread event handled
2023-04-20T00:37:43.266141050+00:00 DEBUG My Halo Smoke and CO Detector driver device thread event handled
2023-04-20T00:38:13.266189137+00:00 DEBUG My Halo Smoke and CO Detector driver device thread event handled
2023-04-20T00:38:43.276438557+00:00 DEBUG My Halo Smoke and CO Detector driver device thread event handled
2023-04-20T00:39:13.283728727+00:00 DEBUG My Halo Smoke and CO Detector driver device thread event handled
2023-04-20T00:39:37.584144438+00:00 TRACE My Halo Smoke and CO Detector Received event with handler zigbee
2023-04-20T00:39:37.585536063+00:00 INFO My Halo Smoke and CO Detector <ZigbeeDevice: 9bc6dd69-1180-4ae5-8e34-dfd9f4ac9372 [0xACF9] (Halo Smoke and CO Detector)> received Zigbee message: < ZigbeeMessageRx || type: 0x00, < AddressHeader || src_addr: 0xACF9, src_endpoint: 0x02, dest_addr: 0x0000, dest_endpoint: 0x01, profile: 0x0104, cluster: OnOff >, lqi: 0xFF, rssi: -64, body_length: 0x0007, < ZCLMessageBody || < ZCLHeader || frame_ctrl: 0x08, seqno: 0x32, ZCLCommandId: 0x0A >, < ReportAttribute || < AttributeRecord || AttributeId: 0x0000, DataType: Boolean, OnOff: false > > > >
2023-04-20T00:39:37.596490022+00:00 TRACE My Halo Smoke and CO Detector Found ZigbeeMessageDispatcher handler in my-halo-smoke-and-co-detector
2023-04-20T00:39:37.596934147+00:00 INFO My Halo Smoke and CO Detector Executing ZclClusterAttributeValueHandler: cluster: OnOff, attribute: OnOff
2023-04-20T00:39:37.601420980+00:00 INFO My Halo Smoke and CO Detector <ZigbeeDevice: 9bc6dd69-1180-4ae5-8e34-dfd9f4ac9372 [0xACF9] (Halo Smoke and CO Detector)> emitting event: {"attribute_id":"switch","capability_id":"switch","component_id":"main","state":{"value":"off"}}
2023-04-20T00:39:37.604492355+00:00 DEBUG My Halo Smoke and CO Detector Halo Smoke and CO Detector device thread event handled
2023-04-20T00:39:37.984355563+00:00 TRACE My Halo Smoke and CO Detector Received event with handler zigbee
2023-04-20T00:39:37.985173480+00:00 INFO My Halo Smoke and CO Detector <ZigbeeDevice: 9bc6dd69-1180-4ae5-8e34-dfd9f4ac9372 [0xACF9] (Halo Smoke and CO Detector)> received Zigbee message: < ZigbeeMessageRx || type: 0x00, < AddressHeader || src_addr: 0xACF9, src_endpoint: 0x01, dest_addr: 0x0000, dest_endpoint: 0x01, profile: 0x0104, cluster: IASZone >, lqi: 0xFF, rssi: -64, body_length: 0x0008, < ZCLMessageBody || < ZCLHeader || frame_ctrl: 0x08, seqno: 0x33, ZCLCommandId: 0x0A >, < ReportAttribute || < AttributeRecord || AttributeId: 0x0002, DataType: Bitmap16, ZoneStatus: 0x0000 > > > >
2023-04-20T00:39:38.007834230+00:00 TRACE My Halo Smoke and CO Detector Found ZigbeeMessageDispatcher handler in my-halo-smoke-and-co-detector
2023-04-20T00:39:38.008294813+00:00 INFO My Halo Smoke and CO Detector Executing ZclClusterAttributeValueHandler: cluster: IASZone, attribute: ZoneStatus
2023-04-20T00:39:38.009619022+00:00 PRINT My Halo Smoke and CO Detector <<< ias_zone_status_attr_handler >>>>
2023-04-20T00:39:38.010418272+00:00 PRINT My Halo Smoke and CO Detector <<< Smoke Detection handle >>>
2023-04-20T00:39:38.011087688+00:00 INFO My Halo Smoke and CO Detector <ZigbeeDevice: 9bc6dd69-1180-4ae5-8e34-dfd9f4ac9372 [0xACF9] (Halo Smoke and CO Detector)> emitting event: {"attribute_id":"smoke","capability_id":"smokeDetector","component_id":"main","state":{"value":"clear"}}
2023-04-20T00:39:38.014332897+00:00 DEBUG My Halo Smoke and CO Detector Halo Smoke and CO Detector device thread event handled
2023-04-20T00:39:38.026597480+00:00 TRACE My Halo Smoke and CO Detector Received event with handler zigbee
2023-04-20T00:39:38.027294605+00:00 INFO My Halo Smoke and CO Detector <ZigbeeDevice: 9bc6dd69-1180-4ae5-8e34-dfd9f4ac9372 [0xACF9] (Halo Smoke and CO Detector)> received Zigbee message: < ZigbeeMessageRx || type: 0x00, < AddressHeader || src_addr: 0xACF9, src_endpoint: 0x03, dest_addr: 0x0000, dest_endpoint: 0x01, profile: 0x0104, cluster: IASZone >, lqi: 0xFF, rssi: -64, body_length: 0x0008, < ZCLMessageBody || < ZCLHeader || frame_ctrl: 0x08, seqno: 0x34, ZCLCommandId: 0x0A >, < ReportAttribute || < AttributeRecord || AttributeId: 0x0002, DataType: Bitmap16, ZoneStatus: 0x0000 > > > >
2023-04-20T00:39:38.083945813+00:00 TRACE My Halo Smoke and CO Detector Found ZigbeeMessageDispatcher handler in my-halo-smoke-and-co-detector
2023-04-20T00:39:38.096334313+00:00 INFO My Halo Smoke and CO Detector Executing ZclClusterAttributeValueHandler: cluster: IASZone, attribute: ZoneStatus
2023-04-20T00:39:38.126487147+00:00 PRINT My Halo Smoke and CO Detector <<< ias_zone_status_attr_handler >>>>
2023-04-20T00:39:38.127168147+00:00 PRINT My Halo Smoke and CO Detector <<< CO Detection handle >>>
2023-04-20T00:39:38.127808272+00:00 INFO My Halo Smoke and CO Detector <ZigbeeDevice: 9bc6dd69-1180-4ae5-8e34-dfd9f4ac9372 [0xACF9] (Halo Smoke and CO Detector)> emitting event: {"attribute_id":"carbonMonoxide","capability_id":"carbonMonoxideDetector","component_id":"main","state":{"value":"clear"}}
2023-04-20T00:39:38.143072188+00:00 DEBUG My Halo Smoke and CO Detector Halo Smoke and CO Detector device thread event handled
2023-04-20T00:39:43.317055189+00:00 DEBUG My Halo Smoke and CO Detector driver device thread event handled
2023-04-20T00:40:13.296203351+00:00 DEBUG My Halo Smoke and CO Detector driver device thread event handled
2023-04-20T00:40:43.296158600+00:00 DEBUG My Halo Smoke and CO Detector driver device thread event handled
I am afraid it seems the only thing popping up related to actually disconnecting and reconnecting is
DEBUG My Halo Smoke and CO Detector driver device thread event handled
Do I need to edit my log levels?