I was able to pair this Econet EV100 z-wave vent with the SmartThings hub. It was seen as a dimmable switch, but I can’t control it.
Anyone else have one of these or seen it work?
How do I go about troubleshooting this?
I was able to pair this Econet EV100 z-wave vent with the SmartThings hub. It was seen as a dimmable switch, but I can’t control it.
Anyone else have one of these or seen it work?
How do I go about troubleshooting this?
That thing is cool. Have you tried changing the device type at the hub level?
On a semi-related note, I’ve reached out to the manufacturer on pricing and specs for their DC powered Zwave modules. I have use cases for those.
Anyone have an update on this for compatibility?
If someone gets these - Please take one apart and see what the module is. I have the “Vent-Misers” http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000MWRFX6/ref=oh_details_o01_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 all over my house which are the EXACT same thing as these but with a timer instead of the Z-wave module. I’d like to reverse engineer these Econet things to find out how to build my own. Ive been looking all over for some kind of battery operated Z-wave contact closure module and I cannot find what they based this thing on.
Just a heads up guys. These aren’t supported yet, and there’s a bug with the current 0.11.6xx hub firmware that makes our system poll it rapidly like a switch and deplete the battery really fast.
We’re working on a fix but don’t try using it with SmartThings just yet. Sorry!
Please let me know what’s going on with these devices. I am very interested in picking some up
@ben this is one more probably worth looking at. I saw it move onto a best seller list at SmartHome
I have a lot of interest in purchasing as many as 8 to 10 of these devices to help manage heat/ac distribution in an old home.
Any further update on this ? This likes a very efficient way to control heating and make the “connected home” more efficient !
@urman this is working now, right?
no it is not working for me. Has something changed on your end? Did you expect it was working now?
I’ll try removing and re-adding…
I just excluded and re-added and it still is not working. It paired up easily but I can’t make it do anything via the SmartThings app. Neither the slider nor the on/off button on the app make the vent boogie. I can, however, control the vent properly via the manual buttons on the vent so I know the vent and gears are functional.
I see various messages in the IDE logger but they don’t seem to go with what I’m doing on the app.
For example, I set the slider in the app at 50% and the logs still report the device is on and dimmed 99%". No matter what the slider or the on/off is set to.
Starting with the ST app OFF and the vent manually closed… I click refresh on the ST app to get a log message in the IDE:
fe6d90dc-ca2e-41c4-8036-8c7f75d4033b 12:27:02 PM: debug Parse returned [Server Vent is off]
If I manually OPEN the vent then click refresh on the ST app, I get 2 more log messages:
fe6d90dc-ca2e-41c4-8036-8c7f75d4033b 12:27:30 PM: debug Parse returned [Server Vent was turned off]
fe6d90dc-ca2e-41c4-8036-8c7f75d4033b 12:27:28 PM: debug Parse returned [Server Vent is on, Server Vent dimmed 99 %]
if I manually close the vent, I get one message:
fe6d90dc-ca2e-41c4-8036-8c7f75d4033b 12:28:28 PM: debug Parse returned [Server Vent is off]
If I manually open again, I get the same two messages as the first open:
fe6d90dc-ca2e-41c4-8036-8c7f75d4033b 12:31:55 PM: debug Parse returned [Server Vent was turned off]
fe6d90dc-ca2e-41c4-8036-8c7f75d4033b 12:31:52 PM: debug Parse returned [Server Vent is on, Server Vent dimmed 99 %]
Any other ideas?
ST originally detected the device as type Dimmer Switch. When I looked through the list of device types I noticed there is an EcoNet Vent. I changed the type to this but I don’t see any positive changes. I still can’t control the device…
If I press Refresh I get
fe6d90dc-ca2e-41c4-8036-8c7f75d4033b 3:03:49 PM: debug 'zw device: 14, command: 8003, payload: 64 ’ parsed to [name:battery, unit:%, value:100, isStateChange:false, displayed:false, linkText:Server Vent, descriptionText:Server Vent battery is 100%]
Despite whether I turn the device on or off I get the same log message
fe6d90dc-ca2e-41c4-8036-8c7f75d4033b 3:03:48 PM: debug 'zw device: 14, command: 2603, payload: 00 ’ parsed to [[name:switch, value:off, descriptionText:Server Vent is closed, isStateChange:false, displayed:false, linkText:Server Vent], [name:level, value:0, unit:%, isStateChange:false, displayed:false, linkText:Server Vent, descriptionText:Server Vent level is 0%]]
fe6d90dc-ca2e-41c4-8036-8c7f75d4033b 3:03:45 PM: debug 'zw device: 14, command: 2603, payload: 00 ’ parsed to [[name:switch, value:off, descriptionText:Server Vent is closed, isStateChange:false, displayed:false, linkText:Server Vent], [name:level, value:0, unit:%, isStateChange:false, displayed:false, linkText:Server Vent, descriptionText:Server Vent level is 0%]]
Any luck on this? I was thinking about buying some.
From this post it sounds like it’s working for some people at least:
Still no luck getting it working. Idk where to turn for help
Those of you following this topic may be interested in the fixes I’ve added to the “official” Econet Vent SmartDevice:
We have made this z-wave device compatible with SmartThings hub just recently. Initially, SmartThings hub did not recognize it as EcoVent, but after we wrote a driver it simply works without any tweaking.
What I do suggest though is that you update your SmartThings hub firmware as it may not have the latest smart-things-devices-library installed.
Another problem may be the way you are pairing this device. Again, just follow the simple basic procedure by adding a new device. The hub will decide which driver to assign to it.
I hope this helps!
Petar (EcoNet Controls)
Petar -
Thanks, but ST support confirmed that my additions improved the stability and reliability of the current device driver. I wont switch back to your version until it actually reports back confirmation of setLevel() commands. (I already have the latest hub software). whether or not what’s running in ST as your standard driver is actually the same as the source code available in the IDE for “EcoNet Vent” is opaque to me, but when I edited that driver, things worked that didn’t before…
Note - I have over 152 “things” in my home, with a very large ZWave mesh, and thus your device driver seems to need a delay between sending the setLevel command and sending the get command. Without it, the get gets lost in the mesh.
I hope you consider that maybe you need to do some more work on your driver!
told my hub to check for updates and it said it was connected and up to date. Is this another one of those special updates you have to ask support to apply to your hub like for the GE bulbs?
I’ve excluded and re-paired so many times I’ve lost count. Then @duncan chimes in but never bothers to help me, the guy who opened the thread. He only dismisses the issue pointing out that one lucky internet guy got it to work at least. Thanks.
i tried this several times and the results are the same. Any ideas? Watch: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/2164963/ST-and-EV100--720p.mp4
UPDATE: EcoNet swapped out the vent’s module after seeing that video. The replacement registered easily and would open and close properly. Must have been a hardware things.
@scubaaadan you definitely are NOT getting the new, improved EcoNet device (stock or the one I edited). I think if you are using just the Dimmer device, you will experience exactly what you see.
If you have IDE access, I suggest you go into the device, edit it, and change the device type to EcoNet Vent, then try again.
The problem may be in how you are pairing…it seems to require a sequence of 3 presses to the set button. If that doesn’t take, don’t just press once more - do another set of 3 pushes. That’s how I did it for my 4 EcoNet EV100s, and I haven’t had the problem you see.
Good Luck!