Yes, there are some known limitations in the ecobee APIs regarding the ecobee3’s motion sensors.
For more details, refer to
However, I’ve created some smartapps that can leverage any ST connected motion (and temp) sensors and reproduce the ecobee3’s follow me and smart away features with customizable occupied thresholds for each of your rooms. The threshold to detect occupancy can be as low as few minutes (ex. 5 minutes) according to your own requirements.
For more details, refer to these threads:
Today, I made some changes to ecobeeSetZoneWithSchedule and ScheduleTstatZones so that switching to alternative cooling and back to cool or auto mode (when needed) would be done automatically when the right outdoor/indoor conditions are met:
Both smartapps can either use an outdoor temp/humidity table to determine if the ideal conditions are met to use an evaporative cooler or damper switch(es).
The alternative cooling can also be triggered based only on an outdoor temp threshold when it’s more appropriate.
If the outdoor/indoor conditions are not met, then the smartapps can restore the original thermostat mode (cool or auto) to ‘cool’ the house in a more standard way.
The above features are added on top of all the features available. For the list of features and screen shots, refe…
To whom it may concern,
For those of you who have an ecobee thermostat and would like to use ANY ST connected temp & motion sensors to average out your setpoints based on all temp sensors.
There is an app for that!
It’s called MonitorAndSetEcobeeTemp and it’s available now at my github:
device-type.myecobee/smartapps at master · yracine/device-type.myecobee · GitHub
Ecobee thermostat controlled via ST by MyEcobee device (all models supported: Smart thermostat, ecobee 4, ecobee Lite, ecobee3, Smart-SI, Smart-02, and even EMS)
Temperature Sensors in your rooms (optional) : for optimal cooling/heating setpoints
Motion sensors (optional): to detect if your house is occupied
Climates/Programs set at ecobee portal
ST WeatherStation such as this one (optional):
GitHub - yra…
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