Ecobee 3 Remote Sensors into ST

@yvesracine yes that’s is correct. I am just puzzled by the difference, but not sure how to fix. Is there a way to verify that the ST app is reading the sensors? I am afraid that the issue may be one of the sensors not linked to the ST app and the reading is either old or not updated. Please see the pictures taken at the same time of the ecobee app and the sensor reading, and the ST app and its sensor reading

Thanks for your quick reply

@yvesracine never mind I answered my own question, I read the posting by swamplynx and looked to see if the ecobee smartapp had been deauthorized and sure enough if had…the temp readings were not updated and thus the difference is readings between the two.

Hello @gator94, there have been some connection problems at the ecobee servers recently which could explain the issue.


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Would that also explain why I have 1 sensor (the thermostat sensor) displaying 10 degrees hotter than other sensors within feet of it.

It’s nice and cool around 70. I’m about 10ft from the thermostat and it’s reading almost 80 as does the reading in ST.

Hello @Drewbert34, you may want to contact ecobee support about it. It could be a thermostat issue (bad sensor).


I had wondered if the temperature of the thermostat itself could possibly radiate to the sensor…thereby causing it to read hotter than the surrounding air.

On another note:

I just remembered I hadn’t donated. I waited for my bill to see what I felt like my savings was over my previous programmable thermostat and passed that on to you.

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If you suspect a microlocation issue, just get another thermometer and measure in that area. Even just bringing one of the other sensors there would probably work, although nonconnected verification would be even better.

Yes, that is in fact what I did by bringing another sensor on the same floor to the thermostat to compare.

There was a 10 deg. Swing. Today all seems okay.


Local air currents before the heat disperses. It happens. I have one room which will show a 15 degree variance between one wall and another when the heat first comes on, but no one except the cat pays any attention. :smile_cat:

I think you might be right.

Comparing the hallway reading (which is where the Ecobee unit is mounted) to the living room sensor shows the same pattern (somewhat); however, the living room temperature rose later in the curve and dropped sooner…if that makes sense. That sensor is also closer to a duct than the hallway which has no ducts.

So my conclusion is that airflow is stagnant around the thermostat. I have since excluded it from the comfort settings.

Hello @Drewbert34, I’m also a member of a more specialized forum on the ecobee thermostats.

Here is a thread where a similar issue was discussed.

You may want to join this forum if you have more specialized questions about ecobee3. I don’t own an ecobee3 thermostat myself (I have an older version, the STAT-02).


P.S. And, Thnx for your donation!

I am having the same issue on the sensor built into the thermostat. So, much so that I had to disable it from all the modes and schedules. Will open a ticket with those guys.

Same exact scenario and placement as in your case.

Thank you @smart for that

@yvesracine you are welcome…thank you! If I can do more I will.

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I need to open a ticket as well. I will check into that as I can but if you could let me know how that goes for you it would be great.

The weird fluctuation may be 'coz of the hole behind the thermostat. I was going to get this thingie…

Look at this picture. Does anybody know what that thing is that the user used to seal the holes…

I did read that and it makes sense!

I was just going to use silicone caulk as it’s easy to apply and remove if need be.

People will usually use closed cell foam or silicone caulk, but I hate anything I have to chip out again.

If you want a nice solution that’s still easy to change out, just add a base shield behind the thermostat. This lifts it up off the wall and gets it reading room air temperature again.

Yes, I seem to been having issues with my ecobees “loosing” its authorization and when you go into the init for the thermostats, it shows you are connected but when you go to the actual thermostat page, it shows no thermostats. If you go back and authorize again it then shows the thermostats (usually, not always). There seems to be some reliability issues that aren’t “rare”.

Along with that, for some reason any remote sensor temp or motion sensors exposed through the Remote Init program fail to ever update after the initial update create when you install the sensors the first time (at least for me). I can’t seem to get it to actually update itself.

Hello @gwithers105,

My ecobee Init is a smartapp that polls the My eccobee device(s) on a regular basis to ensure that the refresh token is renewed on a regular basis. Ecobee requires (contrary to some other cloud providers) to refresh its authorization token every 59 minutes for greater security. The code that I’ve developed is an interface between ST and ecobee, so there are some dependencies on both platforms.

The algorithm within MyEcobeeInit and MyEcobee device has been coded to renew automatically the token every 55 minutes or so. If it fails to renew the token, then the connection with ecobee will be lost.

As you can see, the algorithm will work the same after 1 hour or several days. So, if the smartapp works for more than 1 hour, it should work for days even months without issues provided that there are no other external factors (ex. connection issues between ST and ecobee or with your physical thermostat).

You can infer that there are 3 potential “points of failure”:

(1) It could be an issue on the ecobee side: there could be a temporary network issue or an issue with the ecobee servers.

(2) It could due to a (temporary) bad internet connection on your side. Ecobee thermostats connect thru wifi, so if the physical thermostat is not connected for a while, then you may not have control over the thermostat during that timeframe.

(3) It could also be an issue on the ST side. We’ve all experienced issues with ST scheduling. If the smartapp is not rescheduled every 20 minutes, and you don’t manually poll the thermostat thru ST, then the “refresh token” will not be obtained, and the authorization token will be lost.

In the logs, if one of these 3 potential points of failure happens, there will be an error msg such as

refresh_tokens> Authentication error, ecobee site cannot be reached

These points of failure are not easy to investigate.
I had myself a similar issue 3 days ago after months of continual operation.

For the point of failure no 3, in the IDE, you can check if the smartapp is rescheduled to run every 20 minutes by clicking on

And, then click on “smartapps” at the right for your location.

Then scroll down to My Ecobee Init, and click on it. You should see something like this:

If you don’t see any waiting “takeAction” or “pollHandler” job then it means that the job has not been rescheduled correctly.

P.S. You can also do the same for the ecobee3RemoteSensorInit smartapp, if you sensors are not updating within SmartThings, it could also be a connection issue (as stated above) or a ST scheduling issue.