DTH for Vision Siren 1601 and 1602?

Hello guys,
I purchased 2 Vision Siren modules (one battery powered and one mains powered) from Vesternet.
Product id: VISEZM1601-5 and VISEZM1602-5. They both work fine as Aeon sirens but I want to be able to control the alarm mode and self protection mode as described in the manual.

I have tried this controller but it does not seem to work:

It seems like I have to develop my own device handler?

Also is there a way to gather the zwave information from my devices?
In that code I can see that it checks for the manufacturer id:

private getIsVisionMfr() {
return zwaveInfo?.mfr == “0109”

This seems to be related with the US version of the siren, described here.
I am unable to find the European version on that website via the search function therefore I am unable to guess the product id parameters.

It seems like also impossible to check the zwave information from the portal.

Apologies in advance but I have just started.

It would probably be best to ask your question in the author thread for the DTH that you tried. The author will be automatically notified when a new post is added to that thread and other people who are using the same code may also have suggestions. ( this is a clickable link)

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The device page in the ide should have the mfr info in the fingerprint.