Driver Issue

Hey all, so recently I tried adding new devices to the hub and I was trying to find a compatible driver for the new devices. However I realised that while installing the drivers this error occured on the Samsung account page :

Error loading installed drivers: 500 unsuccessful-http-call status=500

Screenshots attached.

Did anyone had the same issue?

Currently I cannot add anymore devices as they’re not appearing on the hub and I can’t see the available drivers on the devices that I have connected to my hub.

I have another location linked to my account and the other hub works just fine.


How many drivers do you have loaded? Some people have had that error when they ran out of memory on the hub. You’re supposed to be able to have 50 drivers on a hub, but some people have gotten it sooner. :thinking:

Hi JDRoberts, thanks for your reply!

The problem is that currently I can’t check how many drivers are there since I cannot access the drivers as they’re not showing up on the web .
But I’d probably say there where definitely around 50.

Shouldn’t I get a notification maybe or an alert that I cannot exceed more than 50?

You need to contact ST support