My Tiles are in terrible order but trying to re-order them is driving me crazy.
I long press a tile and it becomes movable but moving it causes all the other tiles to slide around in a random manner that messes up the tiles worse.
I can’t figure out how to put the tiles in the order I want without messing up previous tiles I already placed.
It’s like a crazy puzzle !!!
Is there an easier way to reorder the tiles ?
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( co-founder Terry @ActionTiles; GitHub: @cosmicpuppy)
I don’t think it is random.
All Tiles stay consecutive except the one you are moving. When you hold it over the space (line) between two Tiles (or at the left or right edge of the screen beside a Tile) all the other tiles closest to the now empty space will slide away in the always deterministic direction to fill that space you vacated by dragging the tile out of it (ie, slide forward if you’ve moved a tile to earlier in the set hence preparing a slot forward of the new position, or slide backwards if you’ve moved a tile to a later spot in the set).
The screen does not scroll during dragging a Tile (on my phone…) so you may have to drop it somewhere partway to the destination, then scroll, then drag it again.
Suppose a video would help.
If you understand the above described behavior, then there should be an optimal order to pick tiles to sequence them… I’d say… Get the first or last tile in place then drop each one in order desired…
Hell man! I am trying to setup a galaxy for my mom in India and crap… It’s a pain in the butt… and actually showing her how to make a call… I am losing my mind…
You description helped a lot actually. I have to say I think the latest version of the app is moving the tiles better. I usefd to have to hover over a section for several seconds and sometime the slide of other tiles to open the space would never happen. I also used to find that it was impossible to place a tile in position one. both of these issues are gone now. So it’s not so had after all.
I take it you are an iphone user ? Trying to help my Mom with her iPhone drives me crazy because I am used to Android. That said one issue with Android is all devices are different. I have HTC and can find just about any setting. But helping my Dad with his Galaxy has me lost as well. Of course they all patent their design so they will never converge
BTW Forgot to mention that The Galaxy works with “TeamViewer” which lets you remotely control someone’s android device. I used it to teach my Dad how to use his Galaxy. Your Mom will have to install teamviewer app, you install the app on your PC and then connect to remotely drive the device. Not sure if it will work to India but it worked for me between Hawaii and New York
@ron If could even teach her to slide her fingers to answer a call, I will be darned! She can switch on a laptop and hit the Skype button to see me every weekend! If it takes a few seconds, it is a “server network problem”! Hehhehe!