Does anyone have the Holmes Smart Air Filter integrated? (Wemo device)

I had an issue a couple of weeks ago with the WEMO IFTTT Channel for several days and decided to work on this Device.
I’ve been running this for a week now and since I did not have any issues I’ve decided to share the code with you guys.

Note - I have to be honest with you guys. I won’t time to support this, so if you want to give it a try please do it knowing that.

Device Screen Shot:

Instructions to install the code:

1 - Using the IDE - copy and publish the code for the Device Handler “WeMo AirPurifier” from:

2 - Using the IDE - copy and publish the code for the SmartApp “WeMo AirPurifier (Connect)” from:

3 - Using the ST App (Android / iOS):

  • Go to “Marketplace” / “SmartApps” / “My Apps” and select “WeMo AirPurifier (Connect)”;
  • Wait a couple of minutes until your WeMo Air Purifier(s) are discovered and select the ones you want to install;
  • (Optional) Change the Refresh time and Assign a Name to this Smart App installation;
  • Hit “Done” and the Devices will be created, then just add the devices to a specific room;

Cheers :slight_smile:

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