DLINK DCH-Z510 Siren

First of all, thanks @Fuzzyligic for your device handler. Works perfectly. I had some problems as others reported due to the fact that I could not add the alarm with the device handler installed. I had to remove it, add the thing and then re-install the handler and change the type in the graph web.

I had some problems trying to call the specific commands (DoorChime, Ambulance, etc.) from my own SmartApp (I am creating one so when the door opens when not away a doorchime is played in the siren). Anyways, just for future reference I was getting “No signature of method” errors when calling the DoorChime() command of the event handler. This conversation pointed the solution to add “return []” to all command functions in the event handler. After that change everything works and I can call siren commands from my SmartApp.
