Okay… Getting frustrated. I suppose frustrated because I don’t have good information on how this system works. I play it by ear. I’m just a regular homeowner with regular homeowner computer skills who bought Smartthings because it seemed simple enough and should just work. I bought mid December 2018 and am about to toss it in the trash March 2019.
Question. Why does ST constantly show disconnected in the app?
Sometimes the device is truly disconnected and I bring a bulb or some other device back to the hub and it reconnects. Most of the time the device only shows disconnected in the app because all scheduling still happens. The hub never shows disconnected.
What is going on?
Status of my little setup today:
ST hub (The newest one) connected
Sengled bulb porch disconnected
Sengled bulb family room disconnected
Sengled mud room bulb disconnected, but works on ST motion sensor
ST water sensor (1 of 3) disconnected
ST outlet, near disconnected bulbs, disconnected
It’s not a big system. I want more. But, keeping up with monitoring ST and all the fiddling should not be this time consuming. Screwing in a lightbulb 40 ft away from the hub on the other side of a wall, with a Zigbee repeater in the room that also goes out…, should not be difficult or this frustrating. Every few days I am dealing with something that is disconnected.
Does anyone have some advice? I am not doing anything fancy or out of the ordinary. All right out of the box. The issue is truly the constant disconnecting from my app or the hub.
In advance, I appreciate any help. -Thanks