Not sure if this is just on the Android client, or if the iOS client is experiencing this as well - so I included both platforms in the tag.
Why in the name of all that is holy did SmartThings swap out a perfectly good color picker wheel for this monstrosity from 1990? Hue and Saturation? Seriously?
It also doesn’t store color history in a palette like the previous color picker did, which is tragic. I have 6 lights in a cluster, now I have to remember the HS value for each and every light.
Is there a way to get the color wheel back, or is there a global setting I’m not aware of?
(Also, is anyone else incredibly irritated by this, or is it just me?)
This seems like the third color UI change in the past 2 months. First they combined the color and temperature tiles into 1. I guess it’s good you can type the values now? The recent colors do store in the main tile.
Really @Automated_House? I can’t find anywhere they store… where do you see that tile? (Are you iOS or Android, btw?) I get the “recently used colors” list that you see, but they are all blank all the time, except for the hardcoded color wheel and white temperature wheel.