Color Control in the new App

Has anyone else ran into issues trying to control color changing devices with the new app? At first I thought it was my older devices transitioning to the new App but I just added some new bulbs with the new app and still don’t get great control options.

All I can do is pick a spot in a color wheel. And it often doesn’t even come close to what I want. For example - selecting in a medium blue area often gets me a bright green. And I seem to have no way to access actual color temperature controls when my lamp does both RGB and CCT. And I bought these lamps so I can shift my CCT during the day for normal uses and do some fun colors at night for movie watching, etc. Right now I am literally power cycling my bulbs when I sit down in the evening to relax to get them back to 3000k white. I have some Sylvania lamps now and some strips on various different controllers but all look the same in the app. The only lamps that are working well are the CCT only ones. And when doing color changes I seem to have to back out of the device each time I want to select a color? I lost a lot of my old automations and functionality when moving to the new App but honestly this color control has been the most frustrating as it impacts the quality of my environment.

I wasn’t sure if any custom device handlers were an option… and I am worried as I have been reading about the IDE going away? I haven’t spend as much time on here lately and been keeping up with all the news so maybe I am missing a good solution?

Thanks for any suggestions or advice. I hate to start shopping around for a new hub but I am curious if that will end up being the solution for anyone more advanced than basic users.

I have seen similar things with IKEA color bulbs. The old app gave control over white temperature and colors but the new gives only a color picker. If a color is picked, then it ends up on a different one.

You can try to use a Google Home or Alexa device to control things by voice. It gives a better result, but not always.

Definitely for white temperatures it is working well.

I am tagging @dckirker who was looking into the color picker for the IKEA bulbs before. Maybe he is aware what is going on with the Sylvania bulbs. But as far as I know the UX is the same for all of it.

So I have been digging into this more. I just bought some Sylvania RGB/CCT bulbs (I think the replacement for the OSRAM I had before) and when pairing ST used a different device handler than the Osram lamps. This one gave me the CCT control along with the wheel and will do CCT correctly. Woot! Half the battle! Changing my older OSRAM bulbs to the same DH seems to get me the CCT controls I want. Now I just need RGB value control and I will be all set! Unfortunately this doesn’t seem to help me with my tape driver I have but I think better RGB controls will if that comes along!

Color correction setting helps your device compensate for color blindness. To turn on color correction, follow these steps: Open your device’s Settings app .