Devices showing "ON" in app, but can't control

My install was about 5 years old and worked pretty flawlessly. Of my 90+ devices, most are now off-line (mostly Zwave switches). I have tried rebooting and even replaced my old hub with v3. I have tried excluding and re-adding devices closest to the hub, but when adding they show Connected, but the status update does not finish. Devices that I haven’t touched yet show OFFLINE, but when I manually turn the switch ON the device updates to ON, but I can’t turn it off with the app. I have tried changing the hub Channel from default 14 to 24 but no improvement. I’m at my wits end and ready to replace ST entirely.

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Hi @4455Monaco , you are going to need to supply exact make and model of one or two of the problem devices. Also, go to the device in the app, click on the three dots menu (top right) and then ‘Driver’ and post a screenshot, or copy text to this thread.

On my v3 Hub (Firmware 000.054.00014), 75+ devices are off line that are a variety of types/manufactures … a sampling below. By the way, in the App the Driver Option is grayed out on all of the offline devices. I went to the web version to track down this info.

Z-wave Switches: Driver 2024-11-25T19:37:43.821699392

  • Zlink WD100+ Dimmers
  • Aeotec Nano Switch, Model 0103-0074
  • Fibaro RGBW Controller (LED lights), Model 0900-2000
  • Somfy Shades, Model 5A52-5407
  • Leviton ZW15R-1BW decora smart
  • Minoston Z-Wave Plus Smart Plug (MP22Z)
  • Z-Wave Dimmer, Model 4447-3034

Basically, the only thing working in the house are the 6 Zigbee plugs using the Zigbee driver (most everything else seems to be using the Zwave driver)

Hopefully some of the community (more expert than I) will chip in now that you have supplied device details.
Have you done a ‘Z-Wave Repair’?
In the SmartThings app,
click on your V3 hub,
click on the 3 dots (hamburger) menu,
click on Settings,
click on Z-Wave utilities
click on Repair Z-Wave network
then click on ‘Start repair’ and wait.
If anything interesting comes up, post it here.

There have been several people reporting that multiple devices are offline.
Alas, they rarely report what the outcome is (assuming they recover their systems).
I have not had such problems with my mostly Zigbee (but about 10 Z-Wave too) devices.

I have tried everything below multiple times … This has been going on for a month. At the beginning of the month, about 1/2 of the devices were off-line. So I swapped the v2 Hub for the v3. The Replace Hub utility worked great. But oddly, the devices that were working on the v2 hub no longer worked, and the devices that weren’t working, now were. But after a day or two, all devices have fallen off-line. These are devices that have worked for 5 years. Devices next to each other have were affected differently, e.g. 6 of my 13 shades no longer were on line; identical switches next to each other worked/didn’t work. Absolutely no rhyme or reason. Currently if a Zwave device is manually turned on, it shows in the App as On, but I can’t control it in the app. As soon as it is manually turned off, it shows OFF LINE. The only thing that works are the simple, Zigbee plugs that I use for Christmas decorations and one floor lamp.

It seems that the Zwave driver has some incompatibility with the newest hub driver. I haven’t found any info on that yet through community searches.

Attempts to reconnect devices

  1. replaced my V2 hub with a v3 (initially flipped those that worked and didn’t work; now no Zwave devices work)
  2. talked with ST support 3 different times (gave me nothing new beyond what I have tried)
  3. More z-wave repairs than can be counted
  4. ensured that all SW is up to date
  5. restarted the hub
  6. restarted the internet
  7. left the hub unplugged overnight, then plugged back in all day without touching int
  8. moved the hub as far from the Wifi as possible
  9. excluded devices, then tried to re-add (they get stuck and won’t finish beyond ‘CONNECT’ and stays at Status not Updated)
  10. Excluded old devices
  11. Excluded 3-way switches that control the same devices as the primary switch
  12. Tried different hub channels … 14 is the factory standard, I have tried 24 and 25
  13. Flipped all the circuit breakers in the house basically to refresh all electrical
  14. had my AV guy confirm the internet strength

I have not, yet …

  1. manually reset the hub (terrified of losing my 90+ devices and routines)
  2. replaced drivers (not sure how to do this)
  3. thrown away the entire ST system and replaced, but at this point I am tempted.

Any and all suggestions are welcome!

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OK. It sounds like you have been through a lot.
By all accounts resetting the hub is the last resort; the sort of thing I have done in the past (not SmartThings) and regretted it.
Your new V3 hub is likely running the same firmware as your old V2 hub (assuming you did the hub replace recently).
You could check that all your required drivers have copied over to your V3 hub (I think I read somewhere that channel subscriptions may not copy across).
Hub 3 dot menu → Driver
After that it’s SmartThings support or maybe some more expert community member.

I am in the same situation as 4455Monaco. Started around Thanksgiving time. I have a V2 Hub with multiple Zwave, zigbee, and wifi devices. Only the Zwave devices are affected. Devices go offline from a few minutes to hours, then come back online. Sometimes showing the wrong status (contact sensors showing open when they are closed). Different devices then go offline, then come back online later on. Usually around 10 devices at any given moment. Both mains powered and battery devices are affected. Routines are delayed, sometimes 30 seconds to a minute. Zwave switches also are non responsive or delayed. I have tried all the solutions that have been suggested. I just wanted to let 4455Monaco know that they are not the only one having these issues. What is the best method of contacting SmartThings support?

I have been experiencing the same Thing I believe.
Devices go offline, and my hub actually goes offline too. (is not conected to my router)

I contacted samsung and they just blamed my wifi router. and told me to contact my wifi vendor

First, there VERY first suggestion? They gave me the instructions and asked me to completely reset the hub. Did not tell me it would wipe everything out… I didn’t do it of course. But what terrible support… they dont warn you that their instructions will completely put you back to zero…

There is a thread here on Schlage Z-Wave locks having problems since the last update a months ago. One user got a message back from SmartThings support that they applied a vendor patch from Silicon Labs and that broke the Schlage lock, but it was somehow Schlage’s fault for doing something incorrectly.

If I had to guess, that patch broke communication with other Z-Wave devices as well.

I suggest contacting SmartThings support and pushing hard for a fix to the Z-Wave problem they have created.

@nayelyz is there a way you could bring this issue to the attention of the correct development team. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Hi everyone,
I asked the engineering team if this issue is already known, if not, I’ll ask you for some information to investigate further, please. I’ll keep you posted.

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Hi, @4455Monaco, @5spot,

Could you provide the following info, please?

  1. When they went offline, did they never come back even if you reboot the hub, @4455Monaco? I ask because if they come back at least after a hub reboot, you could send those Hub logs and the ones when they go offline
  2. @5spot in your case you mentioned they come back but then go offline again, can you send the hub logs when they go offline and then when they come back, please?
    In the hub logs, we can see why a device was marked offline/online and can help us identify if it’s an issue in the platform or in the device.
Here are the instructions to send the hub logs
  1. In the Advanced Users app, enter the “Hubs” section
  2. Enter the corresponding Hub and click on “Dump Hub logs”
  3. Confirm the process by clicking on “Dump Hub logs” again in the pop-up.
  4. You’ll get a green box at the top confirming the Hub logs were requested

Now please both share the following regardless of the behavior:

  1. Confirm the email account registered in the forum is the same one you use for SmartThings. If not, please share it with me over DM
  2. Enable support access to your account:
  1. Go to the SmartThings Web (
  2. Log in to your Samsung Account
  3. Select Menu (⋮) and choose Settings
  4. Toggle on Account Data Access
  5. Select the time period and confirm - In this step, please select “Until turned off”, once the team finishes, we’ll let you know so you can disable it again
  1. Share the names of those devices with the issue so we can look for them in your account and get their information.
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Thank you so much for reaching out @nayelyz. I have DM’d you my email and list of device names. I have also granted Account Data Access, and my Hub Logs have been dumped.

Thanks for the reply. Here is the string of events:

  • This is a installation about 5 years old. With very small glitches along the way, it has worked very well.
  • About 2+ months ago, about half the devices fell off-line. Very random as to which worked and which didn’t. Switches next to each other of the very same brand and installation worked/didn’t work. Half of my blinds connected to the same Somfy controller worked and didn’t work. No correlation between which devices didn’t work to distance from the nub.
  • I tried the typical things multiple times … reboot the hub, reboot the wifi, exclude and readd devices nearest the hub, changing the Zwave channel from 14 to 24 and 25, etc. When trying to re-add devices, they connect, but they get stuck and show that the Status has not Updated. Oddly, when I manually turn on those devices, they show ON in the App, but I can’t control them in the App.
  • I reached out to Support and they basically told me to try everything I had done.
  • Given the age of the installation, I decided to purchase a new v3 hub. The Replace Hub utility worked great … all devices moved over regardless of on/off-line status.
  • Oddly, the devices that hadn’t worked before now worked and those that had been working were now showing off-line. Over the next few days, almost all devices fell off-line, never to return again. It seems that the devices that fell off-line are the Zwave devices. Only the handful of Zigbee plugs continue to work no problem. The Hub always stayed on-line.
  • As a test, I just purchased an Outdoor Minoston plug that is Wi-Fi Matters compatible. So far, it seems to be working fine.
  1. Yes 4455monaco is the same email address
  2. I have granted system access
  3. I have dumped the logs

Hi, @4455Monaco
About this, the engineering team looked at the logs you submitted and had these results:

“Basement Dehumidifier” and the “Kitchen Beam LED” devices are both spamming their power consumption about 20-30 times/second which is making it impossible for any other Z-Wave traffic to happen or at least get logged in the events you sent.

So, the suggestion is to unplug those devices and check if the issue persists. If it does, please submit new logs so the team can look at them without the multiple messages those two devices were sending.


Hi, @5spot

In your case, there was a particular period when the “Awning” device started spamming the Z-Wave Network (5 messages every 1s).
During this time, some of the other devices may have been attempting to communicate with us at the time and so we may have missed it and marked the devices offline.
So, the suggestion is the same, disconnect that device for a while to see if the situation improves, if not, submit a new set of logs when the devices go offline to see if there’s another reason.


@nayelyz , I will disconnect the Awning and let you know if the situation improves.

Thank you!


I have disconnected those two devices. I will keep you posted on the results.

No improvement after unplugging the two devices. I rebooted the hub but no Zwave devices going back on line. I dumped the logs again.

I would just like to chime in that i have also been experiencing this kind of weird devices dropping offline and random cant control issues for the last few weeks. I don’t have many z wave devices but my zigbee ones are now super flaky especially some bosch ISW-ZPR1-WP13 which have worked great for years and years both before and after the transition to EDGE. in the old days we could go into the IDE to look at the parent and child of zigbee devices to help troubleshoot but i cant find a way to do that now. does anyone know how we can do our own device troubleshooting without needing samsung support who seem to be overloaded at this time. ? information like @nayelyz was able to supply about devices spamming the network would be invaluable to me . how can i get this info ?