You can probably save yourself some time in the future if you check the first bug reports in the community – created wiki.
In this case, there have been two separate issues with the same symptoms reported in April. One started about three weeks ago, so it may not be related to the one you saw.
However, the other just started on April 20. a hot fix was just released for it today, but some people say they are still seeing the problem.
Update: After a lot more testing, the initial issue I explained below always existed, but manually applying the response command to each item in the list didn’t always work either so I think there’s a larger issue with the way the parse result is being handled.
The one thing I do know is that if you use sendHubCommand and sendEvent instead of returning items from the parse method, everything will work the way it’s supposed to…
A few days ago most of my devices started reporting that they were offline and I tracked the problem down to SmartThings ignoring the events being returned from the WakeUpNotification event handler.
I ended up changing all of my device handlers to use sendEvent instead of using createEvent and that solved the problem, but it didn’t explain why it was only effecti…