Developer run smartapp/device store

Guys, is this done yet? I’d like to buy me some SmartApps! :smile:

This thread and others like it are why I love this community so much. There is just so much energy and latent effort just waiting to be tapped here. I think what SmartThings could do a much better job of, is pointing this energy in the directions where it will make the biggest impact.

What are those places where SmartThings will likely never tread, so a community initiative makes great sense? Which areas are likely to be developed internally and according to what timelines. Some of this could be garnered by the community if we just had more transparency in our roadmap, or at the very least, the types of features and ideas we are considering at the moment. To that end, @slagle and I have some ideas we’d like to share soon. Just need to circulate the idea internally a bit more.