[DEPRECATED] EchoSistant Evolved ~ Amazon Echo's Only Assistant with Robust Scheduling and Flexible Reporting

It is a big orchestration to push this. ALL of your devices have to be updated on top of mobile app. I think they really screwed up releasing iOS today. I think official launch is tomorrow…

I have no problem with them releasing it one app platform at a time. The issue is releasing parts of it on Android, resulting in confusion about whether or not we have the feature yet.

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I’ve got mine…

Nope. No matter what I try (Google Play, Amazon Underground, etc) there is no update available beyond what I already have.

Made it to the Vegas Google Play Store finally

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Now let’s all figure out what Amazon want us to do :smile: How do you send a message to a designated Alexa device that is not a contact?

hmmmm… time to start hacking

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Quick update to Notification Add-on… R.0.3.8 enables notifications for: CO (Carbon Monoxide), CO2 (Carbon Dioxide), Noise, Acceleration, Temperature and Humidity … those with Netatmo gadgets will enjoy this update :slight_smile: Yeah James @Townsmcp we are getting there …


:+1: I will update and try it out. Thanks

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Accelerator (Vibration) Trigger works perfectly when using an ST Multipurpose sensor sitting directly on top of my Doorbell Ding Plate!

Notification created with Custom text: Someone rang the &device at &time

Nice addition and great work guys!


Did anyone notice that EchoSistant free text is more accurate than newly released Echo Messaging? Beating Amazon with their own tools…lol

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New Amazon product coming soon!


I’m totally adding the “uh-huh” feature to EchoSistant!


Ha, SNL challenged both of us…

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I dunno bout that. I was laughing so hard when I was watching last night thinking bout u guys. Lol one of the greatest videos ever! No get back to work on Allegra.

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OMG, I think I almost shat myself. Now that was funny!!!

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Adelaine might be able to help with that, but I dunno bout that. :slight_smile:


Hey guys additional phrase to add:


Tell home I just shat myself.


Uh huh. I would have recommended a toilet instead


or… I have reorded a box of Depend…

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Echosistant Silver Add On