It is a big orchestration to push this. ALL of your devices have to be updated on top of mobile app. I think they really screwed up releasing iOS today. I think official launch is tomorrow…
I have no problem with them releasing it one app platform at a time. The issue is releasing parts of it on Android, resulting in confusion about whether or not we have the feature yet.
I’ve got mine…
Nope. No matter what I try (Google Play, Amazon Underground, etc) there is no update available beyond what I already have.
Made it to the Vegas Google Play Store finally
Now let’s all figure out what Amazon want us to do How do you send a message to a designated Alexa device that is not a contact?
hmmmm… time to start hacking
Quick update to Notification Add-on… R.0.3.8 enables notifications for: CO (Carbon Monoxide), CO2 (Carbon Dioxide), Noise, Acceleration, Temperature and Humidity … those with Netatmo gadgets will enjoy this update Yeah James @Townsmcp we are getting there …
I will update and try it out. Thanks
Accelerator (Vibration) Trigger works perfectly when using an ST Multipurpose sensor sitting directly on top of my Doorbell Ding Plate!
Notification created with Custom text: Someone rang the &device at &time
Nice addition and great work guys!
Did anyone notice that EchoSistant free text is more accurate than newly released Echo Messaging? Beating Amazon with their own tools…lol
New Amazon product coming soon!
I’m totally adding the “uh-huh” feature to EchoSistant!
Ha, SNL challenged both of us…
I dunno bout that. I was laughing so hard when I was watching last night thinking bout u guys. Lol one of the greatest videos ever! No get back to work on Allegra.
OMG, I think I almost shat myself. Now that was funny!!!
Adelaine might be able to help with that, but I dunno bout that.
Hey guys additional phrase to add:
Tell home I just shat myself.
Uh huh. I would have recommended a toilet instead
or… I have reorded a box of Depend…
Echosistant Silver Add On