[DEPECRATED] Neurio-SmartThings integration

Good morning,

I am brand new to smart things, but have had Neurio for a while. Right now I have followed the instructions for your SmartApp and DeviceType install with ST.

However, on my “things” screen (latest smart things app), I see only my 3 devices, not any “Neurio” “thing.” The same is true here, I have 3 appliances, but no actual base Neurio: https://graph.api.smartthings.com/device/list

Any ideas?


FYI, I’ successfully instantiated the device and appliances this morning.

  1. Have you followed all the installation steps at :smile: ttps://github.com/yracine/device-type.myneurio/blob/master/README.md

  2. Also, there is a troubleshooting section at the ST community wiki:


  1. You may want to activate the live logging in the IDE when executing MyNerurioServiceMgr and PM me
    the logs for the device itself and the smartapp (by filtering at the top).

There could be some ST or Neur.io platform changes that may affect you.


Ok let me do it once more with live logging active. Can you tell me how to safely remove, everything? Just go to the API Graph for ST and delete anything related to the My Neurio including the Devie Objects, DeviceType and SmartApps?

Thank you sir!

@shackrock, do you see the device and appliances in the IDE, but not in Things?


If so, removing them and re-installing them will not change anything.

I don’t understand how this can happen.

First, maybe, just kill your ST app and reload it again.

Otherwise, you may want to contact ST support. This probably is an UI issue.

EDIT: if you do not see the Neur.io objects in the IDE, then, you do not need to remove and re-install, just execute MyNeurioServiceMgr.

Hi Yves, thanks for helping!

You are correct, I do not see the Neurio device in the IDE at all, only the appliances.

I’ve got live logging running and see these errors:

418c90fc-9853-427e-a152-01c5114123b4  10:10:07 AM: debug MyNeurioServiceMgr>too many exceptions/errors or unauthorized exception, (19 errors), need to re-login at Neurio...
418c90fc-9853-427e-a152-01c5114123b4  10:10:07 AM: error MyNeurioServiceMgr>too many exceptions/errors or unauthorized exception, (19 errors), need to re-login at Neurio...
418c90fc-9853-427e-a152-01c5114123b4  10:10:07 AM: error MyNeurioServiceMgr>exception java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke method poll() on null object while trying to poll the device null, exceptionCount= 19

I decided to re-run the SmartApp for Neurio based on your suggestion, and wala, it shows up. Must have been a temporary issue with the login/handshake from Neurio’s cloud to ST. Works like a champ now.

Thank you sir!

I had the same thing occur after updating to the latest and greatest the other day. I ended up having to blow everything out and when I went to re-create, only my 1 appliance came through. I then had to run setup a second time for the main Neurio device to show up. I didn’t think much of it until I read that you had the same thing happen.


As my Neur.io device took hundreds of hours of development & testing, please take note that the code is now only
available at my store:



EDIT: The Android UI bug is fixed now. All the appliances can be safely loaded into the ST App without any issue.


Today I made some changes to the Neurio integration to SmartThings following some ST backend changes that caused some invalid cast exceptions.

All my Neurio contributors will receive the new code with the required fixes.


@yvesracine I cannot get your app to work. after clicking on the auth link, it just returns the json {"error": true, "type": "AccessDenied","message:"This request is not authorized by the specified access token"}

H @zcspencer,

Could you turn on live logging and send me the logs for MyNeurioServiceMgr to services@maisonsecomatiq.com?


I just tried on my end and it works fine.

  • Are you sure that you entered the right Neurio credentials?



If anyone has any issues with this app, check what shard you are on. This is what I had to do to fix it.

edit the bottom of the MyNeurioServiceMgr and change this:

//Not able to use getApiServerUrl: need to contact Neurio support about it
//def getServerUrl() { return getApiServerUrl()  }

def getServerUrl() { return "https://graph.api.smartthings.com" }

to this:

//Not able to use getApiServerUrl: need to contact Neurio support about it
def getServerUrl() { return getApiServerUrl()  }

// def getServerUrl() { return "https://graph.api.smartthings.com" }

and if you are on the graph-na02 shard like me the redirect url in neurio is now wrong, you will need to change these values to your own neurio oauth values.
Go and register a new app at my.nerio, make sure the callback url is set to https://graph-na02-useast1.api.smartthings.com

def getSmartThingsClientId() { <redacted> }  // <-- change to your Neurio Application Client ID

def getSmartThingsPrivateKey() {  <redacted> } // <-- change to your Neurio Application Client Secret

Just what you forgot to mention is that I guided you to the solution.

@zcspencerand @yvesracine

It’s really distressing to find that you were not able to arrive at a resolution and instead decided to publicly air this as “dirty laundry”.

How much did your contribution cost?

From the exchange above, it looks like @yvesracine spent considerable time and effort to try to assist you… Far more than is worth the small amount of revenue.

Demanding that Yves “open source” his code (which he has complete right to keep proprietary!) is obviously what shut down the conversation and opportunity to come to a mutually beneficial conclusion.

But perhaps Yves could have worded a more patient and generous response to your indication that you found a code change to resolve the problem.

Providing Tech Support is very challenging. Sometimes the issue is trivial, but the user’s skill level is such that an expensive amount of hand holding is needed and difficult to justify.

In other cases, the user is indeed more skilled than the Support person, but still needs assistance (this happened to me on the phone with Amazon & SmartThings for an Alexa problem a few days ago. I actually found the problem and solution completely without their help while waiting for them to troubleshoot, and explained exactly where their system failed. I was not sent a free product, refund, or their source code, but just thanked for my observations).

Amazon is a huge company that has the resources for the level of patience and training required for that “quality” of support… Though I’m convinced that they never would have found my problem without hours of effort on both our ends.

Yves is a one-person operation. He certainly doesn’t need me to critique his quality of service or recommend tuning his approach.

But, personally, I think you could offer a little empathy and cut him some slack rather than post publicly antagonistic your private support exchange. He’s made quite a lot of significant contributions to the SmartThings Community (free and otherwise).

Just sharing my stream of thought. I provide User Support for SmartTiles (currently free) and sometimes the lack of appreciation is incredible… Though from most users, their genuine appreciation is wonderful and energizing.


While this statement may be your honest feelings, @yvesracine, I don’t think it’s wise to write that in a public forum.

Despite the questionable circumstances, my first instinct upon hearing that from you is defensive: I don’t want to contribute to someone who possibly will resent having me as a contributor.

Do you think this is the best way to handle this from a Public Relations perspective?

@tgauchat thank you for your thoughts.
Perhaps it was a little heavy handed for me to air this exchange publicly. I am sorry @yvesracine. And I am sorry to the community at large. This has been a good lesson for me not to pay for code.

I have removed the post with the email thread to preserve both our reputations.

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Today, I released a new version of MyNeurio device (v1.5) with a HTMLTile to represent with a graph the past week’s power and energy consumption & generation.

Past week’s Energy Consumption & Generation (when applicable)

Past 24 hrs’ Energy Consumption & Generation (when applicable)

The button is used to toggle the view window (past week vs. past 24 hrs).

You can download the new version of MyNeurio device at my store:


For more details, refer to the ST community wiki:



Today, I released a new version of MyNeurioServiceMgr and a new smartapp called MyNeurioAppliancesMgr to better handle a large number of Neurio Appliances under ST.

The new MyNeurioAppliancesMgr is a dedicated smartapp for creating and polling the Neurio Appliances (dryer, fridge, kettle, in-line base thermostats, pumps, dishwasher, etc.) on a regular basis (polling interval is a custom parameter in the app), and thus avoid the ST timeouts due to the ST rate limiting constraints (especially for cloud-to-cloud integration such as Neurio).

I’ve sent the upgrade to all my active Neurio contributors.

MyNeurio device is available for download at my store:



@yvesracine Thanks for putting this together, along with your many other ST integrations! One question, everything seems to be working fine in the ST app, but I’m getting an N/A kWh on my Smarttile for the Neurio. Here is what the log is saying:

4aa5f8d0-3961-4755-9487-54dd99b47d18 4:00:36 PM: error Device My Neurio (energy) does not report energy properly. This is probably due to numerical value returned as text.

Hi, this error was not generated by my code. It could be an error from the ST platform or from bad data coming from Neurio …

In any case, please set the preference trace parameter to true, and filter the errors only for the Neurio device in live logging (https://graph.api.smartthings.com/ide/logs) by clicking on the Neurio device at the top of the screen. PM me the logs at services@maisonsecomatiq.com.

For more details on how to get more tracing, refer to the troubleshooting section at the ST community wiki (item 7):


Hopefully, the problem can be solved within my code. Otherwise, you may have to talk to Neurio support as I’ve never seen such error before.


I see that the Nuerio says that it does appliance detection. Do you find that to be accurate? How does that detection work with ST in your device handler?