Deals On Window/Door Sensors

Just bought a larger house and I’m looking to outfit it with about 20 window sensors. The last time I bought sensors it was the time the IRIS brand was being eliminated so I lucked up on 5 sensors for my condo. Anyone know of any good deals these days?

these are pretty cheap and work well with SmartThings. Just gotta give them time to ship since they come from China.


I outfitted remaining windows etc in our house with these and they have been great.


wow thanks for the info!

Wow that’s super cheap and they’re in the US!


Just an FYI the Ecolink do not have temp sensors like the iris do. If that is important to you.

Edit: see comment below.


They do.

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I find I like “slightly” chatty devices – at least giving an update once a day. It lets me quickly know if a device has stopped working for some reason (e.g., by using Device Monitor and seeing if everything has spoken up in the last 24 hours). I have this issue with the 2 Quirky Trippers I have; when their battery gets over 6 months old they just stop working, yet their battery power is still listed as 33% or so. So I end up with no idea they are dead. Temperature updates far more frequently than once per day, but I’m willing to take the hit on battery life to get it.

Which is why I love the Iris ones. The Ecolink also report temperature, and at $4.50 each they are great.

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Stock DHT?

Yes sir. Just add by brand in the new app and they join with stock DTH.

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In case it makes a difference to anyone, it looks like the Ecolink ones run on CR2450 button style batteries. So If you prefer a different battery, or a rechargeable, keep that in mind.

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That was exactly the reason I went with them… Same battery for both these and the ST multis. It’s nice not having to have tons of different batteries on hand.

I’m in the same boat, but vastly prefer z-wave to zigbee (I’ve always had problems with zigbee & wifi interfering with each other in my house). Any good deals on z-wave sensors?

apologies for using an old post.
Just wanted to check that these are able to connect direct to ST Hub and the sonoff hub is not required (really don’t need another hub). These are crazy cheap via banggood at the minute.

Yes, direct to SmartThings.

What is a good price as crazy cheap? I need to add some to my crib.

10 for £46.50 when last looked.