Custom Zigbee Device


I got some switches from a china which is known to work over Zigbee. ( Not sure if it has Zigbee HA).
I am trying to pair with Smartthings but smartthings don’t see anything. Is there any way i could debug where it is going wrong?
Does smartthings only show up known zigbee devices?

Any help to get this working with Smartthings would be great.


If you can get it to connect to SmartThings as a thing you an use this to get the endpoints and other information through the developer IDE. You can the use this to create a custom device handler.

Hope that helps.

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ST doesn’t see the device at all

That’s not promising. You sure it is using the HA profile.

Nop. Might not be HA profile.

How do you know this?

Are you checking the Hub Events log in the web IDE?

All join attempts will be listed there, along with the fingerprint of the device.

Yes, i am checking the hub logs but it doesnt show me anything when the join attempted.


Check out this Topic which gives an example of what “should” happen. Indeed, it could quite likely be that your device is not ZigBee HA compliant, so the Hub ignores it…