Current Device Deals & Best Prices (link to new thread at bottom of thread)

After what seemed like my 20th attempt, they finally got tired of seeing my face and sold them to me for$15 :grin:


hmmmmmā€¦ yet another angle to pursueā€¦

Where do you guys find the lowes code generators?

Loweā€™s Promo Code generator

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Well, I stopped at the first store I ordered online that said they had none. They had one right on the display with the others so I did manage to score one. That makes me happy but obviously she did not look very hard.


Are there any GE Add-on switches for sale as well at Lowes? What is the part number?

Iā€™ve had very bad luck with Intermatic Z-Wave products. I bought several components from them in about 2008 and all but one of them stopped working after maybe a year.

Monoprice is having a sale on selected z-wave products. Good prices, not super great but you might find something you need.

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Amazon has the tablet wall mounts on sale again . $9.99 until 3pm ET today ( while supplies last )

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No one else thinks these are ugly? You still need to get power there too, which means drag a cable over or youā€™re cutting holes in walls anyway. I donā€™t get how any of these sell, even at $9.99.


Looks like its meant for being able to mount your one tablet in multiple places in the house, depending where you need it at the time. e.g. In the kitchen and then move it to the bedroom.
I wonder if these would work on the back of a car headrestā€¦

Best Buy has the D-Link DCS-5222L camera with PTZ and 2-way audio on sale for $129.99.!pla!!!37247144644!g!M!86769289751&kpid=5619743&k_clickid=4327bbb1-9756-cfc8-22a5-00007f37405d&lsft=ref:212,loc:1&ksid=4327bbb1-9756-cfc8-22a5-00007f37405d&ksprof_id=401&ksaffcode=pg3460&ksdevice=m&gclid=CjwKEAiA7f-yBRDAgdv4jZ-78TwSJAA_WdMa01N2bABw3FWgMQgldZU2chJGwYuWYQt1LKn1vAbQXBoCUZTw_wcB

I think this one for you. Not as cheap but sure looks pretty.

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At the one minute mark in their promo video it talks about the power supply and mentions a PoE splitterā€¦ if that does what I think it does, if they sold it separately theyā€™d sell them by the bucket loadā€¦

Frys has them for 120. Im sure BB will price match.

In case your not on the samsung email list:

250 bucks and you get an extra outlet and water sensor. This is a little bit better than the $50 off they were running at various stores (IMO)

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Yeah, I agree, really neat idea. Kind of wish they made it for a cheaper Android tablet though, heh. Maybe the Nexus 7/9 or something. Kind of a shame to purchase an iPad to sit on a wall. I know, I know, I canā€™t be made happy!

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They also have the camera on Best Buyā€™s Ebay page for the same price only they donā€™t charge sales tax and you have the Ebay Bucks (effectively 2% back or moreā€¦)

Anyone know the difference between the DCS-5029 vs the DCS-5222L?

The DCS-5222L can record audio as on top of video and can trigger a recording base both on motion and sound, That is the only difference I can seeā€¦

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