Current Device Deals & Best Prices (link to new thread at bottom of thread)

Why is it $100? I bought it for $60 last month on Amazon, no discount.

Some do. Try They often have bundles of 10 switches or so, they might make you a deal. If itā€™s a product Home Depot carries, they may be able to make you a volume deal as well, check at the contractor desk. Or any electrical supply house that carries GE products May be able to get them for you. Thatā€™s the advantage of the GE brand, more distribution channels.

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I donā€™t know whether to thank you or to curse youā€¦or both.

When I told the wife I was getting a 2nd Echo for upstairs she asked, ā€œWhy?ā€ All I could say was, ā€œ$70 offā€¦why not?!ā€ (I didnā€™t go for the Amazon Visaā€¦just the Store Card.)

I Said the same thing to my wife, but for #3. She asked why and I said 50.00 off. She said for where? I said the garage. She said no! I said, but itā€™s on sale! ! ! !



I said it will be here Saturday!

ā€¦And thatā€™s when the fight started!


Did you at least offer to buy her some more new shoes?


Sheā€™s a flip flop kind of girl. She has fuzzy ones for the winter!

Iā€™ll take her to old baby during the next ff sale. I can get her two of every color for 50 bucks!

Did you at least offer to buy her some more new shoes?

Somehow I just donā€™t see my wife ever actually wearing any shoes I picked out for her. :laughing:


50% of my devices were sent to me for free for testingā€¦ Never fails! :wink:


How did you manage that one?

I think you missed the strongly implied air quotes. =)


I can lie with a straight face! Darn! Now donā€™t make me feel guilty! I am addicted to HA as well! :wink:


If you feel the need to buy a 3rd Echo for the GARAGEā€¦ You might be an addict. (Trying to get that might be a redneck vibe)

Home Automation Anonymous.

Iā€™ll get us startedā€¦

Hello, my name is Rick, and Iā€™m an Autoholicā€¦


We already started a HAA group


I was hoping we would see Alexa enabled devices by now, but since we havenā€™t, I want am echo in every room of the house!

Iā€™m even going to put in star trek doors as soon as I can figure it out.

The funny thing is when I saw the deal, I immediately started my justification logicā€¦ We all have a problem, Iā€™ll admit it!

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Forget the third Echo! I donā€™t have the funds to get a second one. :wink: @bamarayne wants three Alexaā€™s in his life!

I am a retired sailorā€¦ Iā€™m sure I can tell tall tales with the best of themā€¦

The problem isā€¦ She was a sailor tooā€¦


ā€¦and thatā€™s when the argument started? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


This is the MSRP. Based on searching, camelcamelcamel shows itā€™s never been below this price on Amazon. Are you sure youā€™re talking about a brand new v2 hub?

This is an awesome site for z-wave products. ( ) A lot of the product descriptions even list compatible systems.

The Schlage RP200 Z-Wave Dimmer Module - RP200 Dimmer Module is only $18.99 (although it only says it works with incandescent bulbs)!

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