Cree Wi-Fi Bulbs and SmartThings

At present WiFi does not have a single unified standard for home automation commands, so all integrations have to be done on a model by model basis, or at least Brand by Brand depending on whether a brand has decided do use the same commands for all of its models. (Some do, some don’t.) so there’s no “generic Wi-Fi” DTH the way you can have for Z wave or a specific zigbee profile.

There is strong optimism that this will change, at least for a large number of Wi-Fi devices, once the Matter standard has been adopted. But that’s probably at least a year off. Still won’t be universal for all Wi-Fi devices, but we should see many of the large manufacturers adopt it. :sunglasses:

As far as the “Cree connected max“ line, which are their Wi-Fi bulbs, the company did announce a smartthings Integration, but I don’t know if it has been implemented yet. If it has, follow the instructions that @Paul_Oliver already gave you. If that doesn’t work, some community members have had success using the smartlife app.

Cree Connected Max (Wifi/Bluetooth Smart Bulbs)