I am trying to create an edge driver to control a very simple LAN device. My device uses the provided tutorial as its base.
Whenever I try to send an http.request I recieve this error:
[string “socket/http.lua”]:281: attempt to index a nil value (local ‘schemedefs’).
I am very new to lua but my research suggests the error is generated from with-in the socket.http library?
(Please contact @nayelyz or @Luis_Humberto_Medina )
Hi @DavidMcK welcome to SmartThings Community
please can you share how you send the request?
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(Please contact @nayelyz or @Luis_Humberto_Medina )
An update from my part, as you mentioned you used the example lan driver, I tested it to validate that it is working with the new SmartThings Lua library and is working fine. only some comments that changed on the SmartThings CLI.
FYI I finally had time to look at this and discovered that the problem was, when testing the driver I was hardcoding the discovery process and providing the url as an ip address only. the http.request library requires http:\[ipaddress] to work.