@nayelyz This latest firmware update (000.043.00003) seems to have broken some of my LAN drivers. The ones that have stopped working exhibit the same problem: when attempting an HTTP request, they get immediate socket timeouts. I have tried rebooting my hub, but that hasn’t helped. I’ve also tried deleting and recreating devices, and reloading the driver. Nothing helps. These drivers have been working fine up until now, so there is something in this new firmware that is causing this.
Here is typical code snippet:
local http = require "socket.http"
http.TIMEOUT = 5
sendurl = '' << example
ret, code, headers, status = http.request {
method = 'POST',
url = sendurl,
headers = sendheaders,
source = ltn12.source.string(sendbody),
sink = ltn12.sink.table(responsechunks)
These requests are going to valid and working IP addresses, yet they are immediately returning this error in the code return value, despite the configured 5 second timeout:
[string “socket”]:1535: timeout
As I mentioned above, I am seeing this behavior now in more than one driver (Shelly, Web Requestor, ONVIF, for examples) using HTTP, yet strangely I have others that seem to be still working OK (e.g. Roku).
I hope you can get the engineering team’s attention on this quickly. This is going to effect a lot of people.