Creating a virtual device without a hub?

I am trying to create a device handler and use it with a virtual device.

When I click on “My Devices” and then create a new device, it asks for the name of the device, label, etc.
One of the things it asks for is the Hub name. Since I do not have a hub, I left this field blank.
Now when I create the device, it appears in my Smarthings mobile app in My Home.
However when I tap on the device name, it says, “cannot connect. Check device and try again”.

Can someone Please tell me what I am missing here? Thanks.


Which version of the mobile app are you using?

And what’s the exact type of virtual device that you are creating?

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I am using the Samsung Connect App.
I am using a switch type of device handler, please see the code below:

I have now installed the Smarthings Classic App, but I do not see the virtual devices under the “Things” tab.(In MyHome)

Is there something more I need to do to see these devices?

thanks and regards,


It’s working now.Actually, when I clicked on “My Locations” and then on “Home”, and then created the virtual device, I was able to see the device in the App.

One other question: Is it possible to control a proprietary device that I have with a custom device handler that I write, but without a physical hub?

Thanks once again.

best regards,


I have installed the SmartThings Classic App. I do not have a Hub with me. How do I create a Virtual Device through the SmartThings Classic App without a Hub

I click on the “MyHome” Tab. and Click on “+ Add a Thing” button, it asks to connect a Hub, but I dont have any Hub, so how do I proceed further to create a virtual device

“Add a thing” in the app is for joining a physical device.

To create a virtual device, you need to use the web browser interface to your account and add the code that represents that device.

See the following FAQ (this is a clickable link)

From what I understand, for a virtual device you need to use the other Samsung App.(I think it is the Smarthings Connect app).

