CoRE: Cannot add new Piston

Running the latest CoRE from github, I’m not able to create a new Piston. When I click “Add a CoRE piston…” I get the spinner for a second, then nothing. If I add the Piston when I add CoRE itself, I am able to create an initial Piston (and it works) but no new ones. If I don’t add one during the initial install, I can’t create any.

Are you accessing core via the Automations tab?
Once you have set up your first piston, this is how you provide pistons after your first one.
It might be worth deleting everything and starting again.

Yes, Automations -> SmartApps (I know the CoRE documentation says to access it via the hamburger menu, but I think that was for an older version of the app, since SmartApps no longer exists in the hamburger menu). I have deleted everything including removing the app entirely from the developer console, and even deleting and re-adding the GitHub repo. However…I just did that again (left the repo definition, but deleted everything else) and it appears to be working now.

Good stuff.
Have fun I’m sure you will find the lots of uses for this very versatile app.

I’m having the same issue. I’ve installed CoRE, but I can’t add my first piston. It just sits and spins. I did the install via GitHub.

@MattTalaga I also have the same problem.
Does anyone else know how to fix it?

I cannot seem to get my first piston to install. It keeps spinning and never loads.