Convert pool light switch to smart?

My search results: other threads regarding this are old and more complex for what I need. My pool equipment is very old and I am only attempting to switch the pool light on/off with ST.

The switch is currently sealed from all the other equipment:

I found this part but it is not sealed like the current switch:

What would be the best option for what I am attempting?


We need the specs on the switch itself. What is it controlling? Is it 110 V or 220 V? Is it really just a light switch? Is it a toggle switch just like the one in the picture?

If it’s really just a light switch, you could use the device you linked to and then put the whole thing (Toggle switch and zigbee device on top of that) inside a project box to protect it. Something like this:

You might need a double gang size to have room for the zigbee device on top, it just depends. But there are a lot of these made in different styles and sizes. Just make sure you get a plastic one, not metal, so you can get the radio signal out.

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Oh, and I have that same Zigbee switch that you linked to in use in my own home. :sunglasses: You do not need their hub, you would be using a smartthings hub instead. You just need the button part. Unless you don’t have a smartthings hub, and then I’m not sure how you would do the integration, although it might still be possible.

But if you do have a smartthings hub, then you definitely don’t need the third reality hub.

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We need the specs on the switch itself. What is it controlling? Is it 110 V or 220 V? Is it really just a light switch? Is it a toggle switch just like the one in the picture?

It is just a light switch and It is a 110V.

I do not need another hub, one of mine is within that proximity. Excellent idea using weatherproof box, I will try that out.

Thank you

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