Controlling multiple lights natively

Hello. Is there a feature on the roadmap to allow control of a group of lights? This is really a long time coming. I have connected Smartthings to Google Home for this feature alone.

I want direct control of a group of bulbs so I can set brightness and / or color as I please.

I’d love to hear there is a solution to this now but I’ll take a roadmap item for it.

Good news! They just added it. Bad news: once grouped, the group isn’t available to automations or voice assistants. But baby steps!


I don’t see lighting groups yet on the Android version for the new app yet. Everything else in the list of Add options is there, so hopefully we Android users will see this rolled out to us soon.

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Ah, yeah, the iOS update came out a couple days ago.


This is a definite improvement and I missed that it was added, but where is the color picker? That and the automation integration and we’re golden!

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yeah, color temperature and full color picker would be a nice addition. Baby steps :slight_smile:

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Yes the ability to change colors is sorely needed. I wonder how we can get them to regonize a feature request like this.

I just switched over from Wink which has always had this feature with groups. Can’t believe ST doesn’t have it.

It might be coming. This is from the Samsung Developers Conference and shows it

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Let’s hope so!

What’s interesting I was playing around in the IDE the other night and was able to create a “lighting group device” under devices but wasn’t able to figure out how to add my bulbs to it. If you then go into the new app and click on the device the color wheel picker shows up in the settings.

Its 2021 and i still can’t see color picker :flushed: what is happening… or batter why is nothing happening?

good question!

Wow I feel quite stupid for spending way to long trying to figure this out… good to know it’s still not possible.

Does something like SharpTools or ActionTiles let you accomplish this? I’m new to SmartThings and will end up using one of them but still deciding. Changing multiple bulbs at once would definitely be the thing that makes one win over the other.

Took me a bit to get it working but this should solve it! [RELEASE] Trend Setter - #472 by Kriskit

But yeah, would be way better if it was native :frowning:

Nice, thank you. :heart:
I just test it and color picker for group colorful lights works. :rainbow:
But for color temperature lights, I don’t see white spectrum bar, only dimm bar.
Do you have the same problem or is just me? :man_shrugging:

Hmm here’s what I’ve got - looks the same as when I click on an individaul bulb in SmartThings? It did take me a couple tries to realize that Colorful Temperature and Color Temperature were different (and I needed the former).