Control motorized curtains shades

Hi every one,

I’m getting started in the automization world, and have lots of doubs on what to get.

I recently bought a house, which has motorized curtains in every window, that operates in a individual dorm through a individual on wall switch per curtain. My issue, is that the switch has 3 positions (up, down direction and a neutro position… the last one is where the power doesn’t go to the motor), and I haven’t been able to find the product that fit with this.

I’m looking to set a hub in my house, we’re in the future I want to add the wired alarm (that is set), cameras and lights.

What you recommend?

Tricky but you are inidcating you got a motor that is a 3 conductor plus ground. A Somfy Universal RTS Receiver would work along with a ZRTSI. You able to ID the motor? Maybe a pic of it along with a pic of the switch?

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