I’ve got a somewhat older Samsung air conditioner.
We’ve got new phones and the Samsung smart condition app is not supported.
At the air conditioner product website AR09FSFKBWTN | Samsung Support Sverige (in swedish)
It’s stated that at common topics: How do I connect to SmartThings on my air source heat pump?
With link to instructions on how to connect.
Is it just wrong information that the air conditioner is not supported or what am I doing wrong?
I set the air conditioner to AP. It doesn’t show in the app. I can connect to it’s network SMARTAIRCON (the password isn’t 1111122222) but the app seem but to recognize that’s it’s a valid network. It’s not stated in the examples.
Anyone that’s got it working or just accept to dig out an old phone just to connect to the air conditioner?
It’s not that big deal, but I’ve a start/stop schedule programmed via the app that I want to remove…
Here I am, same issue with SMARTAIRCON network logged in but no access point is then detected.
Is there any requirement other than 2.4gh? like WPA security settings?
Same problem here my ac is connected to my router can see it in devices connected to 2.4ghz wifi in rputer but cannot add it in app, cause app is not able to find it at all, could finally somehow someone from samsung solve this issue please? My AC details down below, please samsung could you share more info to get this done?
Hellou samsung could you please let us know next steps? - yes I am on 2.4ghz, yes I tried milion resets tried to reset wifi saved in ac it will still connect to to wifi that for some reason is in ac memory. I tried to change wifi name but it is same story cannot add it in app I am fighting with this issue for 2 years and noone couls help me.
This forum was set up a number of years ago so that customers could help other customers with ideas and suggestions. It’s not an official support channel and Samsung support staff don’t typically post here except for official announcements, they just help moderate spam and harassment.
Instead, you need to use one of the official support channels. You can try “contact us“ in the SmartThings app or go straight to the official Samsung support forum, which is staffed by Samsung employees:
Funny. In the German Samsung Members community they tell us over and over again that it’s purely a user forum and no official Samsung employee is reading it.
There are only some unpaid moderators, recruited from the user base.
Oh mate how many times I tried with someone from samsung on line or via chat bot still same ideas still doing same things getting really sick and tired from all of this after 2 y of struggle I thought they will acknowledge that it is some generic issue with old AC and they will update smart app or just tell us, you are on your own in this but still nothing, telling me to call serviceman, he was asking me if there is something wrong and I told him I have zero issues with ac just connection to smart things and his answer was not my business I am not app developer.
I’m sure that’s really frustrating, but we’re all just customers here, there isn’t anything we can do to help directly.
I’ll be honest, I’ve pretty much given up on Samsung support since they dropped the regular phone line at the end of last year. It seems almost impossible to get through to an actual Samsung employee now.
Yep, I don’t really know what to do, we are not in condition to change AC every 5 - 7 years because we cannot connect it to Smart things anymore, but we intentionally bought this model cause of wifi capabilities. So i think there is no other way, just to let it be if there is someone who found any shortcut or way how to connect older AC to Smart things, please let us know. I thought that company as Samsung values the feedback and they are looking into this forums…
Hi unfortunately no I was able to install old smart home app to really cheap and old android phone and it found my ac but was not able to go through whole process, probably issue with some missing things for older app on samsung side, another solution on my mind was to exchange wifi module from local ac shop with new name of device in it but to be honest I will not pay for something that Samsung screwed up it is up to 100 euros
I have the same model as mentioned by Mathias in first comment. Here is what I did guys. I connected AC to my router wia wps. As I had always incorrect password when I tried to connect directly. First I thought it does not work. But it took 20m to connect. When i saw wifi icon light on. On my AC. I registered product on samsung smart appliance page. Used sn. from wifi module. After it succeeded. I downloaded app on old phone, that is running android v 10. Now I have another working remote on my desk, just because Im no longer carrying old phone with me. Thank you samsung, all we need is support it in SmartThings app.
There is Samsung Smart A/C application User Manual in pdf still available for download. This will guide you.