MIM-H02 Support


I have the Samsung MIM-H02 WiFi Kit which was installed onto my AC unit only two years ago.
It currently works using the Samsung CAC App, but this App being desupported by Samsung at the start of October.
The App recommends switching to SmartThings, but it seems SmartThings only has support for MIM-H03 and MIM-H04.

Any chance of support for the MIM-H02 being added to SmartThings?



I am also in the same boat. I can’t believe they can just stop supporting it, making the unit useless. If they don’t do anything about this I will never be giving Samsung another cent and I will tell everyone to never buy Samsung products.

In response to your queries about MIM-H02 WiFi Kit and the CAC App, I have been in email communication with Samsung for over 2 months now. At around the time the pop-up announcing the decommissioning of the CAC App, my Samsung Ducted AC (9 years old) WiFi Kit disconnected itself from my home WiFi and I have not been able to reconnect it since! I got very little help from Samsung other than to reassure me that they had reversed their decision to decommission the CAC App (I feel your pain, as I cannot connect to the SmartThings either!). They sent me a link to download and get rid of the pop-up. Try this - https://download.mcspserver.net/android/smartcac.apk However, since then they have twice recommended I upgrade the WiFi Kit to MIM-H04 but my AC installer said this sounded odd and is probably just “handballing” the problem to someone else. Currently researching where I can get some quality advice regarding this issue as I am certain Samsung do not give a $#!T !!

FOOTNOTE: Doing more research I read “one of the Samsung service centres and the receptionist there said that I would need to buy and install a Samsung wifi kit MIM-H03 but she also advised that if my router has both 5 GHz and 2.4 GHz (which mine does) then I need to turn off the 5Ghz”. Good Luck!

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I am facing the same problem, and they give me no solution

how can this be possible?

I am also facing the same problem of my MIM-H02. Why did Samsung forget to serve their old Customer like us as they do for the existing customer ? Your old customers had promoted your product for long time. Samsung should prepare another APP to replace Samsung CAC App or they make a little modification of Smart Thing App which can be used also by us as your old Customers. So that, Smart Thing App can be used both old and new customers. Logically Samsung can do as I mention above but they do not hear our complaint. Remember…without customers, company can not be survive or grow up.

new summer time

same problem

no solution

thanks samsung

I came across this thread looking for a solution to the Smart Air Conditioner(CAC) app on my Android device crashing. Just posting my experience so other people who have the same problem can learn what not to do based on my mistakes.

First, whoever is in charge of the Samsung HVAC department is a sadist whom enjoys other people’s suffering far too much.

So, my issue - The Smart Air Conditioner(CAC) app would immediately close on opening after an Android software update (not sure which one specifically).

The equipment I have:

  • System - AC120HBHFKH/SA

  • Wired controller - MWR-WE10

  • Wi-Fi Kit - MIM-H02

Problem being the Smart Air Conditioner(CAC) is no longer in development, and the MIM-H02 is not compatible with the SmartThings app.

My first solution to this was to order a new Wi-Fi kit. Because why not? Maybe get some upgraded functionality with it. Searched for one on Google, and the pickings were slim (and expensive). I ended up ordering the MIM-H04AN because it was listed as the “current” model on the Samsung website.

After it arrived, I replaced the old module with the new… and it didn’t work. Once the power came on the LED’s would be - Power: Off; Wi-Fi Signal: Blinking green; AP: Off…

If I pressed any button the unit would power cycle and return to the above state. Googling the symptoms, I found the two-year-old Reddit thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/hvacadvice/comments/ns4vzi/samsung_ducted_ns180hhxeg_wifi_kit_unable_to/.

The issue it turns out is

Hey mate, if you have the MWR-WE10 controller, then you would need the MIM-H04 Wi-Fi kit (without the N at the end).

Thanks for this. Had to take a day off to contact Samsung support and they confirmed my AC is non-nasa and the WIFI Kit is for NASA AC units.

Wish I knew earlier but have the correct one on the way now at least.

I started looking for a unit to buy without the AN designation (which by the way appears to be for units with more than 16KW of power).

Nobody sells one, and Samsung no longer manufacture it…

Then I had a brainwave, it’s not the controller that’s faulty, but the App. I found archived versions of the Smart Air Conditioner(CAC) app here: https://apkfab.com/smart-air-conditioner-cac/com.samsung.cac

I downloaded the earliest version they had, Smart Air Conditioner(CAC) 1.0.18 June 19, 2018 and after installing, which required me acknowledge that this was an old app with outdated privacy controls it finally worked!

No need to throw away ridiculous amounts of money to upgrade the whole system (yet…).

Here are some other relevant links that may help people with similar issues, I’ve archived them all in case those threads get deleted or taken down for some reason.

Original: https://www.reddit.com/r/hvacadvice/comments/ns4vzi/samsung_ducted_ns180hhxeg_wifi_kit_unable_to/



Original: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/596669

Archived: https://web.archive.org/web/20231024222751/https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/596669

This thread archived: https://web.archive.org/web/20231024230749/https://community.smartthings.com/t/mim-h02-support/245691

Any chance you still have that old apk? It seems the below URL doesn’t work


Upgrading to a Non-Samsung controller, tomorrow in fact!

Will end up costing me around $1500 but hey, its only money isn’t it?

Pity their customer service is so rubbish because the AC has been working faultlessly for 10 years.

May I ask what brand/model of third party controller did you end up selecting?

I managed to find the old APK but it still doesn’t start on my phone (app loads and crashes). Android v14 with latest security patch… I’m wondering now whether that is what’s crashing it

Looks like APKFab changed domain names, and is looking a bit dodgy.

There’s a 1.0.18 version on APKMirror who are known to be trusted.

Tried it on my Android v14 phone, still won’t start

Managed to get the 1.0.18 version to run at least on another Android v13 phone, but I haven’t been able to login to Samsung after the 2 step verification for like 3 days, it seems to me that Samsung have shutdown the service

Well done Samsung, well done

I am experiencing a similar issue. I have lodged a call with Samsung Support, expressing my concern that they cannot simply discontinue support for an application or render it unavailable. When I purchased the unit, the expectation was that the app would remain available and supported by Samsung. However, their decision to delete the app from the Play Store feels like a form of coercion. I have encountered several other users in my vicinity whose homes were built around the same time as mine, and they are facing the same problem. We are considering filing a case with Consumer Protection in Australia

Hey Suraj,

Is anyone still in this boat? I am! This whole situation pisses me off immensely…

hey guys so i managed to get the Wi-Fi MIM-H03 kit working and updated using my old iphone 6s with the old samsung Smart Home app…

i was able to log on with my samsung account without any errors, as months prior kept spitting out ‘server error’.

the app now is very buggy so it only allowed me to sometimes be able to navigate thru the smart home app settings… so expect repeating the process a few times to get it all pushed thru.

once done, it did an over the air firmware update, enabling compatibility with Smart Things app.

and thats it… good luck

Hi guys, I have submitted a report to ACCC about this after two exhausting chat with Samsung support team and the invalid resolutions they provided. I hope you if any of you can do this to attract the attention from a 3rd party governing body to solve this, it will eventually pushes Samsung to fix this. Thanks!

ACCC’s website: https://www.accc.gov.au/