Changes to SMS Service

Yeah it doesn’t really say anything.
The email address it came from was

You are receiving this email because you are a SmartThings user.

What page is the “update subscription preferences” link brings you at the end? Or the “why did I get it” one? I am really curious what mailing list you received this email from.

I want to subscribe to it if I am not already.

Thanks for the help!

Is it this list?

SmartThings News & Updates - Europe

Thanks! This is really odd. I have posted the list name from where I received last email about GDPR. And I checked the old Firmware update mails, that list even doesn’t exist anymore.
I guess you have started to use SmartThings before the Samsung account integration. Probably I have started to use it after. (I have a v2 Hub from October 2017) But definitely I am not on that list. So the question for @SmartThings, how many separate mail lists are you using? And why wasn’t the announcement email sent out to all of them, ie.: SmartThings News & Updates - Europe or the one assigned to Something is definitely not working well with the mail lists.

Thank you for this from me too. It also works really well in the UK.

See my post in this topic from Sept 26 (post #96 I think). It explains what I did.

Good stuff. It’s still working well for me too.


I’ve been looking in a method to replace the SMS service for UK users . I tried Twilio with webcore …couldn’t get that to work , but then I found what I think might be a simple fix that anyone can use.

Uses Clicksend and IFTTT ( you will need accounts with both and add credit to Clicksend its not free)

First thing was to alert for intruder(security) , so created a virtual switch that is switched on if SHM detects motion etc.

Then I registered for an account with Clicksend (free to do so initially)

Then in IFTTT connected Clicksend service to that account.

Then created my own applet in IFTTT that used the Smarthings applet “when something is switched on” to the “send a SMS” Clicksend applet. Works a treat … I will need to add credit to Clicksend but its not expensive for the amount I need.

Will test for a while and if it works I will just create virtual switches for smoke, leaks etc and use SHM to turn those on if any of these conditions are detected and also create new applets in IFTTT with different messages accordingly.

Hope this helps UK users who have lost the SMS service… Real shame ST could have thought of something like this before chopping off the service.

Don’t forget Clicksend is not free and you need to watch how you configure so you don’t eat thought any credit too quickly. But best of luck , hope it helps. Andy

I’m in the US but get a service access denied message when trying to opt in via the 844-647 number. How did everyone fix this?

That isn’t it. I was on the firmware e-mail list Long before the migration and I did not get the SMS notice. I get the new version of the firmware list. You have to subscribe to incidents at I was on that long before as well - however, I DID miss one of the firmware update notifications also. I think there is something wrong with how they are processing these notifications.

The firmware list doesn’t exist anymore. The status update was not working for a while neither.

Hey Brett, would you able to share webcore back up code

Sorry Thileep. The backup code would contain personal data like API Key, phone number for SMS etc. Look at my Post #96 in this thread (Sept 26, 2019). It provides enough information about how to easily set this up.

You can take an an anonymized Snapshot of the piston (green) that should generate a backup code without personal info.

An anonymized snapshot still keeps much of my personal data.

Instead, I wrote a quick piston with a random username, phone number, api key.

Very similar to what is in post 96.

(Remember that a ClickSend Account is required to make this all work).


That sounds like a bug. That type of snapshot is supposed to be a safe way to share.

I haven’t tried with a piston with the kind of information that’s in yours so Don’t have any first hand experience.

Thanks Brett

yes that’s why the new app doesn’t let you enter 18.5C in a thermostat temperature setting. You choose between 18 or 19. Why would that be important… it’s only 1 difference. Oh… you can switch to Farenheit sure… Support told me

“As of now, entering the decimal dot to the input is not possible and the feature is not available in the SmartThings application. However, i’ll consider this request and forward it to concerned team. Hoping it must be addressed at the earliest.”


The decimal point has been removed from the multi sensor and the motion sensor’s DH ages ago for temperature reporting, but I haven’t heard about this before.
What thermostat integration are you looking at?

That’s not about the DTH but about the new app rules builder.
At If stage, select a thermostat device, then temperature. That opens the editor but “.” is disable. Worlks fine in Farenheit but not in Celsius. I save $100 heating 18.5 rather than 19.

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Any news on UK users and if you will offer a similar service as USA users? I loved the SMS service before the change as it worked great for notifications.

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