Ceiling Fan Set up

Hi all!

Sorry, total newbie in this field!
I am looking to purchase a new ceiling fan, but I was wondering how do I get it to integrate with ST in terms of speed control? If I connect the ceiling fan to a Z-wave power outlet, I will only be able to control on/off only isn’t it? Appreciate your advice!

Many thanks


I assume you want to buy a fan with a remote control? If so, you can just replace the receiver inside the fan and re-wire it to use a z-wave wall switch:

If your fan also has a light, you may want a separate relay or wall switch to control it.

Here is an example:

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Do you have a specific fan in mind (remote controlled, pull cord, light/dimable light)? How many switches do you have space for on the wall (1 or 2?)

Hi @kittykitty,

Check out this post on the community:

Oh dear, this looks much more complicated than I thought!
Not a technical person but i’ll try to study it and hopefully learn :slight_smile: Thank you for sharing the resources.

I am getting a fan without lights. Thank you guys again!

You can get the handiman to drop gy and during the install, you will pair the fan controller device as he wires it up. All you need to prep is to copy the Device Handler code into your SmartThings IDE which we can walk you through in a matter of minutes.

Thank you!

Ok, so i will need to get a switch for my ceiling fan first.

The second part which is difficult is wiring the receiver of the fan to this switch. I hope I can get a handiman to do that for me :slight_smile:

The last part is having to copy device handler code into my ST IDE right? I hope i have got the sequence right! :slight_smile:

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Step1: Go to the link of the thread provided and find the copy of the code which is there.
Step2: Log into the ST IDE and create the device handler from code and the app if this integration needs it. I.e., device handler is in the Devices tab, Apps are in the Apps tab.
Step3: Have a handyman or contractor install it. You can find a few on this https://www.thumbtack.com/login
Post your project and you will getquoats for the job with references.
Step4: when he/she wires up the device with fan and powers it before closing up the fan; ask him to help you pair the device.
You will need this integration code:

Go to the GitHub 3 links and copy the RAW code and not anything else. look for that link on each code. There a 2 device handlers(1-Fan, 1-Light) and 1-App which will controll the entire setup.

this seems over complicated. is there not going to be a wall switch?

Not really. I know that me being an IT by traid makes it sound easy, but it really more intimidating than it really is. And the fan instalation part will be the hardest and more time consuming than the code or the pairing part. If you really want help with the code part, than Ping me in privet message on ST and we can setup a remote desktop session where I will remote into your computer and you will be in charge while I will be copy/past your code into the IDE. No consulting fee.

If there is a wall switch, there is no need for the hampton bay unit. Especially since there aren’t lights. Steps go like this:

  1. install fan
  2. install GE z-wave fan switch
  3. turn breaker back on
  4. Pair in ST app
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if you go with z-wave controller route (I went this route as well :sunglasses:), when you pair it, it will look like a dimmer with the default Smartthings device handler. The community has a much cleaner solution, recommend the device handler here: Z-Wave Smart Fan Control Custom Device Type.

and maybe this optional smartapp

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Agreed. Like with any RF receiver module that goes up in the fan canopy, that Hampton bay unit is useful when you have only one switch controlling the load to your fan (with a light kit) but you want independent control of fan and lights.

If all you wanna do is control fan speed, use a switch that controls fan speed.

However the OP didn’t mention he/she is in Singapore (which I read in another thread). That presumably has implications for what z-wave or zigbee switches are available and work with the home’s electrical wiring.

Lol, that would be helpful!

electrical layout should be the same as UK :slight_smile: So it shouldn’t impose too much of a problem right?

Anyway you guys are so well-versed in this! I am really thankful for all the help and advice provided. I’ll be getting a new home in a few months time, so am still preparing on research at the moment :slight_smile:

Yes, but SmartThings has a majority of its users in the USA. I’ll wait for a UK person to chime in, but I think they have less selection of in wall switches.

Many thanks! I didn’t know that US and UK shares a different frequency. If I were to order the ST hub and z-wave wall outlets / sensors, would it be advisable to buy all of them from Amazon.UK then?

Probably but that depends on a few things.

Z-wave devices run on different frequencies that vary by region, zigbee devices should work regardless of region.

If it’s generally easier/cheaper for you to order from retailers in the UK, then yeah go ahead. If you use any z-wave devices you’ll have to ensure you’re buying the ones that run on the correct z-wave frequency for the hub you bought.

This may or may not be a big deal, but some countries may consider a radio device that’s operating on an unapproved frequency to be illegal.
Like if one were to use a US hub in the UK, it’s z-wave radio is on 908MHz, but 868MHz is the approved z-wave frequency in the UK and EU.

Whether it’s realistic that someone could actually be caught violating such a law with the very low power radios in the ST hub, or what the consequences might be, is anyone’s guess. But I put that out there in case you want to look into how that applies to Singapore.

The only thing I know about the Singaporean legal system is from that incident in the 1990s when an American juvenile delinquent was convicted and sentenced to be caned for spray painting graffiti in a public space, or some such offense. :grimacing:

Thank you all for your help :slight_smile:

I’ll probably get all my stuffs from amazon.uk
The headache part is getting the correct dimmer and wall outlets hmm
Fingers crossed, hope everything goes smoothly!

@marktheknife Thank you for the heads up on the law! Yeah Singapore’s law is pretty stiff which is how we keep law and order :slight_smile: The 1990s case must have been a worldwide news huh haha