Brand new Family Hub Shopping List Problem, unfindable again

Now when I go to Life, Food to get to Shopping List, there is a new screen asking me to do something with recipes, so I click start, go through a bunch of questions, only for it to say “Something went wrong, try again later”. Same thing on husbands phone and the fridge, so we haven’t been able to get to any of my shopping lists for the past couple days. Removing/reinstalling the Smartthings app on my phone didn’t do it. Hoping for a solution that won’t delete all the shopping lists we have but I’ll take anything at this point. Is there another way to get to the Shopping Lists?? So crazy they messed with this yet again!

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On our fridge, when I click on shopping list, it says something went wrong, “close the app and try again” as well

Samsung needs to conduct proper regression testing before sending out new software releases. From what I can see, every time they release an update the shopping list stops working.

Did you activate SmartThings Food in the mobile app?