Available in Canada?

Hi Guys,

Wondering when ST will be available in Canada without paying any fees or customs from USA?

I am getting interested in this product and keep on comparing with Vera Plus. How many devices can we attach to ST

Bumping this up. Would also like to see better options for Canadians. Was down in the US couple weeks ago and picked up a few sensors and really prefer them to 3rd party but it’s so difficult to buy them in Canada.

Any chance we’ll see availability in Canadian Best Buy stores or at least some options to buy online without having the unknown of import taxes or duties. Please make it available on Amazon.ca or at least offer international shipping on Amazon.com since they tell you upfront the import fees.

I just want to give you money! :slight_smile:

Aartech carries it if you want to buy from a Canadian retailer:

I see the Hub but unfortunately they don’t seem to see any of the Smartthings branded devices.

I would stay away from Samsung branded sensors, very unreliable. I was naive and bought their kits…