spent a solid hour perusing the interwebs and this forum, for a simple way to stream music, a video, or even a specific sound on cue from an automation… or a Routine… is it still called a Scene? … whatever… and i must say, its kind of sad that no such simple ecosystem exists.
are you Devs dev’ing in silence? do you not have music playing in the background while you code? please tell me you’re not sitting in a dark room alone in silence while you work from home.
i find it odd, that with the tools i currently have, an android phone (note20 ultra), an aeotec hub, some zwave switches, some zigbee contact sensors, a wifi router, 120 volts of electricity, and all my fingers and toes, and i cannot flip the bathroom switch between the hours of 6:30am and 7 and get my phone to start playing music, or begin streaming a service, or a specific URL from the internets.
so many posts i went through tonight, seeing how others have tried to create a welcome home scene… i meant routine… sorry… and they all have come up short, or inadequate, or expensive and complicated in their simple mission to play music when the clock strikes the hour of their desire.
now, im sure theres someone reading this, and saying, oh yea, that can be done, i can do that, all depends on… and you should buy this system, and this and that… but… to that human i say, lets keep it simple and affordable. please. and in house if at all possible my Samsung fan.
sure, i could do what this man did, but WOW, the complication, the savvy involved and the expense.
perhaps a sonos system that doesnt work when you want like this fella the price of sonos is absurd, lets just keep it real, shall we.
even this apple user, his thread died and little was gained from his post even the advice he was given was a complicated mess of 3rd party hardware and software.
so, to land this rocket, please allow me to ask for a simple solution that doesnt involve buying 3rd and 4th party hardware and software, at great expense, and even greater complication that might have me in someone elses forum, asking, why doesnt this work. i can accept dealing with a 2nd party integration, that usually works… kind of… if you think its possible to do with the tools i mentioned before, that i have on hand, chime in, let me know. thank you for coming to my tedtalk.