ceiling fan doesn’t cool the room. It only cools people that have a layer of warm air around them, or people that perspire. So controlling a fan based on temperature makes sense only when people are present.
Sorry I don’t have an app. I actually wanted to do something like what you ask for, but my fan is 3 speed, so it would take 3 switches to get my desired result. I combined a wireless (not Zwave) ceiling fan thermostat controller http://www.amazon.com/Hampton-Bay-Thermostatic-Ceiling-Control/dp/B001AQQSRM
and a Aeon Micro Switch module
to turn the fan off when house is unoccupied.
FYI the wireless thermostat has crappy range so I had to relocate it to line-of-sight 10-feet.
You might be able to do this with one of the keep me kozy apps. I feel like one of them was a simple on off switch controller. If not dissect the SmartApp and create your own.
You can with a variable control switch specifically rated for fans, but not with a dimmer rated for lights only. You will burn out the fan motor and may cause a fire. This is true whether the switch is networked or not. See the following thread:
GE makes a zwave switch specifically for controlling a fan which is a good option:
I have the GE switch and I do this with IFTTT. I guess you could also do this with external sensors. There is a smartapp for the GE switch but you don’t really need an app if you’re going to just do on and off.
Didn’t have much luck with IFTTT mid last year. Didn’t seem to be that reliable for me then, but have not messed with it in a while.
I don’t think it’d work in this case, since I would like to have several criteria to turn it on. Needs two temps as well as only working if we are present.
Did you ever find a solution(smartapp) for this? I would like to do the same thing. Have a Fan turn on, triggered by motion, and set to a specific speed based on temp in the room.
If you modify your app to control the three speeds settings send me a message. Use adjustable setpoint, and then an adjustable differential setting between speeds.
In the meantime Rule Machine smartapp works beautifully. It is just a little hard to make a simple setpoint change.
UPDATE: I wrote a smartapp to control the 3 speed ceiling fan now.
[quote=“rob_gore, post:15, topic:16758”]
This’d be great if someone can create an application that sets the speed of the “fan control” based on a temperature differential.
[/quote][quote=“Tom2, post:14, topic:16758, full:true”]
Did you ever find a solution(smartapp) for this? I would like to do the same thing. Have a Fan turn on, triggered by motion, and set to a specific speed based on temp in the room
[/quote] @Daniel1@rob_gore@NMK95@rey_rios@ero4444@schettj@ero4444
Just in case anyone is still looking for an app for this, I ended up writing a smartapp for a 3 Speed Ceiling Fan thermostat control via any temperature sensor with optional motion trigger.
Instead of selecting a desired room temp is there a way to make this app automatically follow the thermostat set point?
So for example as of now if I have the desired room temperature set to 72 and my furnace thermostat is set to 72 it works great turning the fan on when the thermostat turns on and off when the desired set point is reached however… if my thermostat is set on a schedule to change temperatures (say from 72° to 75° When I’m sleeping) when this happens my house temperature changes and my ceiling fan stays on high speed all the time unless I go in and manually change the targeted room temperature set point in the app. It would be nice if it would automatically follow what the thermostat is set to or changes to can this be done?