Arm & Disarm tile missing (SHM disappeared from V3 app 26 June 2019, had been working fine)

Using Galaxy S10 and opened the Smartthings app this morning to disarm everything. I clicked on the disarm button and the whole tile disappeared and I cannot find a way to get it back. Have uninstalled and reinstalled and nothing works. My house setup is stuck in the armed mode. My wife also has a S10 and she is experiencing the same thing. Any one else seeing this?


I noticed this morning that the entire Smart Home Monitoring automation is missing. I have a Galaxy S8+ and am in the US. Been using SHM for months with no issues. I noticed it is still showing up in the classic SmartThings app, but can’t find it anywhere in the new one.

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Other people are reporting the same thing, definitely contact support. That’s just weird. :scream:

If I had to guess, I would guess this is part of the “fix“ to a problem they put up on the status page yesterday.


Also, for those not familiar with both apps, the “smart home monitor“ feature in the V2 classic app is completely separate code from the “smart home monitor” feature in the new V3 app. So, for example, if you set up an SHM Automation in the classic app, you cannot dismiss it from the V3 app and vice versa.

So it’s not surprising that bugs that affect one don’t affect the other, it’s not the same code.


Oh, wow. Thanks for that info, I was not aware. And thanks for the status link. I thought I was going crazy this morning but I’m glad to see that they’ve acknowledged the issue and are working on a fix.

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In the new app, is it showing available to install under Automations? or is it greyed out like it’s already installed and then totally missing from the dashboard?

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I’m not sure they have acknowledged this issue, that SHM disappeared.

They acknowledged a different Android issue yesterday (I know the message is cryptic) and said they were rolling out a fix for that. So my guess is that the “disappeared altogether“ issue is going to turn out to be related to that fix. In other words the fix for one problem caused a new problem. But I haven’t seen anything official on it.


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In the new app, it’s not available to install under Automations and it’s not greyed out. It’s just gone. It’s not an option to install new and it’s nowhere to be found in my current automations.

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Ditto what Mike_Jach said on my end as well

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yikes. On iOS is still shows on the dashboard, but is also gone from the Automations list.


Since there was an official statement on the status page yesterday that there was a problem affecting only android users and that they were going to begin rolling out of fix, I’m guessing that this is the results of that rollout.

Whether it’s a temporary issue and will fix itself over time or whether the customer will have to do something on their side, no way of knowing. But anyone who has this problem should definitely report it to support.

You can give them the link to this thread and tell them that other people are reporting the same problem in the forum as well if you want.

Arm & Disarm tile missing (SHM disappeared from V3 app 26 June 2019, had been working fine)

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The Android fix is for setting up the V3 hub. You wouldn’t think it would impact STHM, but you never know.

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I actually have the v2 hub…

I don’t think the version of hub should matter. I’m sure they’re tweaking the app to fix an issue related to the V3 hub, but accidentally caused this new issue. We just need to report it to Support so they know it’s an issue and can start fixing it.


ah, thank you. I forgot to tell them I had the v2 hub when I reported it… but I did reference this link, so they should probably already know… :slight_smile:

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My tile disappeared today too but I can go into the automations menu and shows it up there. if i open it there i can arm and disarm it here at least.


I did report this to support and they opened a ticket FYI. I am using V2 Hub as well.



They just fixed it and I can see SHM now. Thanks!


Me too…
I saw that the tile showed back up last night as well.

Thank you!!