Aqara to Smart things app

Hi there,

I just want to ask is there a possibility to connect Aqara m3 hub directly to smart things application? or is there some kind of bridge or other hub needed to manage automations directly in ST app?

I believe you need to have a Matter capable ST hub to serve as the controller. That would be a v3/Aeotec hub, ST Station, or Samsung TV/Refrigerator that supports virtual ST hub.


My plan is to add couple of sensors and wall switches to aqara and manage them by using Smart Things app or Google Home app.
This does not work even if I add Aqara M3 Hub through the Matter code?

I have find this article that says:
“All the Matter-compatible devices from Aqara will be able to connect to SmartThings.
The growing synergy between Aqara and SmartThings ecosystems brings further simplicity and interoperability to future smart homes.” and M3 hub is a matter device.
SDC22: Aqara Showcases Enhanced Device Interoperability with SmartThings, Reinforcing its Commitment on Seamless Smart Home Experience - Aqara.

You know that you can connect these devices directly to a SmartThings hub?

Yes, I hope I will have one tomorrow.
Do I have to download some additional drivers for it?

Maybe. We’ll see…

If you search these forums you will find that few, is any, people have had success keeping Aqara sensors working when directly connected to a SmartThings hub.

I picked up a half dozen Aqara leak sensors on a Black Friday deal. After reading here I opted for adding an Aqara hub and also needed an Aqara outlet to reach the sensors.

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Yes, you’ll need drivers if you directly connect Aqara sensors to SmartThings. Search the forums. You’ll find most end up giving up on that route due to instabilities.

The first and only time I had to return smart home devices was when I gave up on keeping the Aqara vibration sensors connected.

Fresh batteries, devices placed two meters from the hub, very stable Zigbee mesh, still no luck.

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The non-Zigbee3.0 Aqara sensors have always had problems staying connected to any non-Aqara zigbee network. There’s a post floating around these forums giving the full technical details, but IIRC its something to do with the way they connect through certain Zigbee routers. I’ve personally had the same problem and users on ST, HA and Hubitat have all reported the same issue. Recommendation is to connect them to an Aqara hub and connect to ST via Matter if that particular sensor is supported via their Matter bridge. That’s how I have mine connected to both ST and HA and they’ve very stable that way.

Everything is working fine at the moment, I’ve installed the H1 double switch (no neutral) and T1 door sensor, all connected to the Aeotec hub with downloaded drivers.
Thank you for your posts!