Aqara Smart Lock U200 (Matter over Thread)

You seem to be correct. I can add guests, so it seems

SLGA isnā€™t supported but adding lockUsers and lockCredentials from the device card is supported.

  - id: "4447/10242"
    deviceLabel: Aqara Smart Lock U200
    vendorId: 0x115F
    productId: 0x2802
    deviceProfileName: lock-user-pin
  - id: "4447/10241"
    deviceLabel: Aqara Smart Lock U300
    vendorId: 0x115F
    productId: 0x2801
    deviceProfileName: lock-user-pin
name: lock-user-pin
- id: main
  - id: lock
    version: 1
      - key: "lock.value"
        - locked
        - unlocked
        - not fully locked
  - id: lockAlarm
    version: 1
  - id: remoteControlStatus
    version: 1
  - id: lockUsers
    version: 1
  - id: lockCredentials
    version: 1
  - id: firmwareUpdate
    version: 1
  - id: refresh
    version: 1
  - name: SmartLock
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Yes, I see that, but seems like an incomplete half-ass driver if SLGA canā€™t see it as a lockā€¦especially considering that folks that added this same lock prior to the device specific driver profile being created and have the base-lock profile can user SLGA.

I canā€™t speak to the decision to use the lockUsers and lockCredentials capabilities vs the lockCodes capability. Could be that there was a design decision that sought to localize lock codes to the device card vs being in a central app. But only the Product Managers and/or the Eng team can say for sure.

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Iā€™m gonna keep on them on the driver github issues page to hopefully get something that feels like a complete lock driver. Will see where it goes.

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Their response is that SLGA will be sunset at the end of this year and lock access will be managed in the device cards. Have not seen this announced anywhere but could potentially be a big deal for users, but this is my first lock and have not yet come to rely on it for routines and entry management. Those that have been using SLGA or similar user management may need to start pressing ST for how they are to schedule access as there does not seem to be a way to schedule access through the device card.

The SLGA will be sunset at the end of this year. New door lock devices to be added in the future, including Aqara products, do not support SLGA. Instead, you can use Manage users in the detail plugin view to manage your userā€™s credentials.
FYI, Aqara Smart Lock U200 uses lock-user-pin profile.

Sunset for Matter locks I suppose. Doubt it will be for Z-Wave and Zigbee unless they rework those drivers and profiles which I seriously doubt.