Aqara FP2 Tested with SmartThings?

When was the last time you’ve added the device? More than about a month ago? Before or after August 28?


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FYI, I have my FP2 working in Aqara Home, SmartThings, Google Home, Amazon Alexa and Apple Homekit. Waiting for 8th Oct Prime Day to buy more!


Since last night my FP2 is back in ST. I had to live without it for a whole week and it felt like a year. Turning lights on and off with smart buttons like a peasant from the Middle Ages.

When I left the sofa zone, the TV didn’t automatically pause!


PSA: turns out that if you delete and re-add the device often enough, adding it the next time won’t work.

I successfully deleted and added it several times, with or without resetting or power-cycling it but one day it failed.

Countless hours of debugging were fruitless and after a period of silence the developer answered:

If something goes wrong while removing FP2 from the ST app, the device won’t be onboarded.
If this happens, removing and onboarding the FP2 in the Aqara home app and then trying to onboard in the ST app should resolve the issue.

Keep in mind: rebooting the device didn’t resolve the issue.

It’s like the REST API in the firmware needs to be activated remotely, a timing issue or something.

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Do you need to add it to smartthings or aqara first?

Aqara Home app first for configuration, ST after.

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Any update from the developer? I’ve been refreshing this thread daily and it seems like we are in limbo.

Also, I’m not clear if the FP2 can successfully be added to SmartThings via any other method until the official firmware update comes through. Is there an alternative that is currently working?



Sorry, your response is a bit confusing. So 1.2.8_0006.0086 IS the alternative??
I, too, have been updating this thread daily, ST compatibility was promised for Q1 2024, its Q1 2025 soon, and this is very frustrating.

I just updated my FP2; it was discovered by ST and is working OK ! :trophy:



Using the driver from the GitHub invitation link :


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At this point, I guess in order for it to work, Aqara FP2 driver version .0086 is required (which is not in the user’s control because it seemingly gets pushed out randomly) AND the SM Edge driver from GitHub invitation link needs to be installed.

I’ve successfully installed the driver from Github but am stuck on Aqara FP2 driver version .0080 :frowning:

It may say that but I don’t think that’s the case based on everyone’s experience in this thread.

What am I missing?

Aqara FP2 must show up when you click on the ‘scan nearby’ button in the ST mobile app.

Before today’s FP2 firmware update to version 1.2.8_006.0086 it was not auto discoverable.

You don’t need the Edge Driver from the PR on GitHub. It’s already installed on your hub.


Oh really? Then why does the github driver exist in the first place?

Was that what people were using prior to SmartThings having their own official driver?

They are identical…

I’m still not sure that I understand. Do official SmartThings drivers first get developed on Github and then they are available in the official app?

Some of them, yes.

If you don’t know how it works, please don’t install random drivers from GitHub. In this case, the driver is useless without the correct firmware.