Alternative to Logitech Harmony to control TV power with new app scenes

My problem with Harmony and the new APP is that Harmony doesn’t report TO the new app. So if I turn on a Harmony activity with my physical Harmony remote, it does not show as that activity being ON within ST. I can turn on/off activities in ST app but like I said, trying to see if the TV is already on, or Roku is already on via SmartThings doesn’t work if it was turned on by other Harmony means.

Is that the same for everyone else?

The “Activities” show up as Switches in ST. In the Harmony App, turn on the corresponding ST (Activity) Switch as a Home Control device in the Harmony Activity.

For example “Watch TV Activity”:
Turn on AVR
Turn on TV
Turn on Mood Light (Home Control)

Instead of Mood Light, use the ST (Activity) Switch “Watch TV Activity”

This will send an instant on to ST when the Activity Runs. Repeat for all other Activities. You have to authorize the ST (Activity) Switches in the Harmony App in order for them to show up as Home Control Devices.

Below is my Activity for watching Fire TV on the PJ. Notice at the button I turn on the same Activity that shows up in ST.

Good Luck

Awesome! Thank you!