(Rick S)
January 22, 2017, 4:34pm
I would suggest looking into CoRE as the backbone. More specifically create a virtual switch in ST, then create a CoRE Piston that monitors that VS so when it changes to off, the Piston runs what you want. The trigger will be when you tell Alexa to turn off the VS
CoRE is a beast and will do this and way more than you can hardly imagine, but hang in there and do use the second thread for Q&A
CoRE getting started
This is a noob’s post created by a noob.
EDIT: 9/9/16 updated some links and added some newer info (Amazon’s Alexa, etc.)
EDIT: 9/10/16 updated some key info not mentioned in the install links
I’ve started this not because I know a bunch about CoRE (Community’s own Rules Engine), in fact it’s quite the opposite. Instead I’m just pulling together some helpful tips which got me get started and got me up and running with this outstanding rule engine for Smartthings.
There is a lot info out there mainly designed to help people do amazing things with CoRE, but it was hard to find the “for Dummies” type info. And very hard for me (a true noob) to get started. Hopefully this post will help others who may not have ever added a custom smartapp to the IDE or maybe never even have had to log i…
CoRE help thread
Welcome to the CoRE Logic Thread. Here you will find many community members that are more than willing to help you with the Logic and Programming of your Pistons.
**There will be another thread for “How are you using CoRE?” and “How are you using the CoRE/AskAlexa integration?”.
So, this is the place to ask your questions and the place to get the answers.
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