Alexa/Echo now has doorbell chimes

If u use an echo device in conjunction with an ST open close door knock sensor, Echo now has doorbell chimes as an option when configuring an action in Echo routines, just throwing it out there for those interested and or not noticed


Hooray! :sunglasses:

This is a much requested feature.

They’ve also add a dog barking (“animal sounds”) and sirens (“science fiction sound effects”).

Indeed. I found this last week and (thanks to @tonesto7) support has been added to Echo Speaks in the newest version as well :sunglasses:

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Actually it was your findings and code submission that got it added :slight_smile:
I just built out the feature in Actions.

One thing I noticed is that the amount of sounds available are small but if you spend some time looking around under

The device should support commands for any amazon sound effect whose name begins with amzn_sfx_

I’ve found a json from Amazon with the complete list of sound files which I will use to build a selectable list


Thanks for sharing. But I do not see this screen in Routines. What am I missing?

What country are you in? it’s not available in all regions yet.

USA. I see other routine options like Alexa says, Music, etc

Scroll down. You are looking for “sounds.“ :sunglasses:

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Found it. Was on iPhone. iPad app wasn’t updated. Silly me

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So I see where you can choose “Dog Bark” or things like that, but how do I set up a routine in echo speaks to call multiple things in a row? For example:

<audio src="soundbank://soundlibrary/animals/amzn_sfx_bear_groan_roar_01"/>
`<audio src="soundbank://soundlibrary/backgrounds_ambience/bars_restaurants/bars_restaurants_11"/>`

Alexa routines allow you to specify multiple actions in a sequence. And you can use the “wait“ action to introduce a delay. :sunglasses:

I just realized you were asking about the custom smartapp “echo speaks“ not the official echo feature. For that you need to ask in the author thread for that code and someone there will be able to help you.

[Release] Echo Speaks v3 + Actions

Ah, thanks!

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