So I have the Aerotec temperature humidity dew point sensor. I was having some problems with it so I uninstalled it now I reinstalled it and it’s in Celsius I needed to be in Fahrenheit I don’t see any option to change it after this latest firmware they sent out any help would be appreciated
Aerotec or Aeotec? If Aeotec, check if you can install one of Aeotecs Edge drivers for it. Remove the device, install the driver and add the device back.
Aeotec Edge Drivers : Aeotec Help Desk.
You can reach out to Aeotec support for any assistance with their products and Edge drivers if needed.
Thanks for your reply how do I install edge drivers
Click on the invitation link that is listed on the aeotec page I posted above. It will prompt you to signin with your Samsung account, select the driver you wish to install and click on done or install at that point.
I will work on that thank you
Thank you for all your help I looked at those drivers I don’t see any for the sensor that I have unless I’m missing something. This is the sensor,
ZWave Aerotec temperature, humidity, dewpoint.
Problem I’m having after their latest firmware update there is an option to calibrate but it doesn’t seem to be working properly. I’m using the Samsung V2 hub. I liked it better before they made all these changes I can go on their web page and see all my sensors and make adjustments now I can’t do that
I don’t see any devices called “Aerotec” on the official zwave alliance list of certified zwave devices.
Are you sure it isn’t “Aeotec”? (No “R.”)
Their “ Aeotec aërQ Temperature and Humidity Sensor” does report dewpoint.
If it is that device, you can contact their support directly by opening a new support ticket:
Sorry misspelled
Aeotec you are is correct
In that case, if you go to the link that @jkp already gave you:
The very first device that they list is the one that has dewpoint:
So just click on the link that I have circled near the top of that page that says “invitation“ and you will be able to sign up for that specific edge driver and download it to your hub.
Or, as I mentioned, choose the option near the top of the page to open a new support ticket and get help from them directly.
I will try to do this thank you
I have this page with a list of drivers that you guys sent to me. Not seeing a driver from my Pacific sensor. Temperature humidity dew point
What did you name your hub? John this One Hub?
Yes that is correct
When you clicked on Available drivers, it did not appear in the list? If that is the case… you should contact Aeotec support as they manage those drivers and the invitation.
I see a list of drivers but I’m not seeing a driver for the Pacific sensor that I’m trying to update
You don’t see the “Aeotec AerQ” in the list of drivers? That’s the one that’s needed for your sensor.